
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Tarot Tuesday: Tarot Reading Frequency

I’m often asked how often you should get a tarot reading. Of course, the answer is “it depends”, but let’s dive in a little deeper. 

One way to consider it is almost like you’re seeing a doctor. If you’re in generally good health, twice a year is probably good enough. Similarly, if things seem to be progressing well in your life, then twice a year is enough to talk about some general themes to consider. 

If something comes up, however, then having a reading on a specific topic or subject area isn’t ever a bad idea. If I were to use insurance lingo I might say a “qualifying life event” is a good reason for a tarot reading. If a relationship takes a turn for the better or worse, for example, or there is a significant job change or job opportunity, then I’d consider it strongly if you need some clarity. 

As a reader, I’m always cautious about reading people too often, especially if it’s on the same topic. You find this out very quickly when you read for yourself. I’ve found this to be especially true when people are concerned about their love life, but it can happen with any topic. Eventually, you start getting conflicting answers, which can often be explained by things changing. But this is also the universe’s way of saying, “Objection! Asked and answered!” 

I understand why people read on the same topic over and over again. If it’s good news you want reassurance and confirmation that it’s really good news. If the tarot says it’s going to suck, you want to see if and when it changes to something more positive, or how badly it truly is going to suck when it happens. It’s called being a human being.

So how about you? How often do you have a reading?

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Holiday Greetings from Jupiter!

Greetings everyone! I hope you are feeling expansive these days. Considering the amount of food many of you consumed in the past week I’d say you probably are. That’s OK! You only live once and no one’s really going to notice you moving back down a notch on that belt. 

This is a HUGE shout out to my Archers! Time to get out there and show everyone how to have a good time. Seriously’ve gotta loosen up, because life is really too short. 

So you’ve probably noticed there’s been a lot of sexual stuff in the news lately. I moved into Scorpio a few weeks ago and I just can’t seem to get enough sex these days. I mean holy shit...I don’t know how you Scorpio sun, moon, or rising sign people can be like this all the time. And now that I’ve arrived, it’s sex everyplace you look. I’ll be in Scorpio for about a year, so hope you get used to it. This shit is not going away.

By the way, I’m also the planet of publishing, so expect lots of sex books this year too. Woo hoo! Time to get our freak on!

Now of course there’s more to being in Scorpio than sex...not much, I’ll admit, but a little more. Scorpio is a very deep sign so expect lots of potential for spiritual and intuitive development. I’m the spiritual planet of this motley crew, although Neptune does some of that shit, the crazy drunk bastard, but a lot of that stuff falls to me. Is your spiritual path serving you? This would be an excellent time to ask yourself that question. 

If your desire for spiritual or personal development leads you toward tarot or astrology, I certainly hope you’ll consider asking John for a hand. He’s always looking to help people out, and no matter what Saturn says about him I think he’s amazing. You know there’s someone in your life that needs a tarot reading or a chart, and this would be a great time to hit him up. No, he didn’t ask me to say that, but unlike some astrological planets, I’m always trying to help the man out, you know? He may work like Saturn, but he parties like me!

Thanks for hanging out with me, people. Remember to thank an Archer today! They’re usually willing to say the shit that no one else will, and for that, they’re amazing. But they have feelings, too, so I suggest you watch what you say or they will fill you with arrows. If you happen to be dealing with a Sag sun person and a Scorpio moon or rising, consider those arrows coated with venom and extra sharp. You have been warned.  

So remember...”too much” is a relative term!


Jupiter, the anti-Saturn

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Tarot Tuesday: Festival of Light, Berkeley Springs, WV

Welcome back to Tarot Tuesdays, dear readers! Things have been sort of nuts on this end, so I apologize for the hiatus. 

One of the many things I've been doing is my most recent psychic fair, Festival of Light in Berkeley Springs, WV. It's held once a year and it's the largest collection of healers and psychics I've ever been involved with to date. It happens once a year, in the fall, and it's a full weekend.

I did both tarot readings and astrology mini-readings last weekend, and there were plenty of tarot readers to choose from. At my count, there were at least 30 of us. If tarot wasn't your thing, there were animal intuitives, rune casters, and pretty much any kind of psychic you could want. 

What I found interesting was that I actually did more astrology readings than tarot that weekend. I shouldn't have been surprised because there was a lot more "competition" for tarot than astrology. I think I was one of two astrologers at the fair. 

One question that I have for people who attend events like this is simple: How do you decide who to have a reading from? In this case, this was my first time at this fair, so while I knew one or two people--one of my customers from the Wheeling fair in September showed up, and one of my old customers from Occoquan also came--it seemed like most people gravitated toward psychics they already knew. But if you don't know anyone and you're faced with 30+ tarot readers, how do you pick one?

I'm very curious to hear your answers to this one if you feel like you can put it into words. 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Venus vs. Mars: What I Hate About You

[aggressive knocking]

Mars: I'm coming! Cut the guy a's Sunday afternoon! [opens door] OH SHIT! Venus!

Venus: You've been ditching my calls and texts!

Mars: I've been sort of busy. But if you're here to give me my Yule present early, I could make time for that...

Venus: [shocked] YOU PIG! You know why I'm here! 

Mars: Well, then why don't you come in so we can fight properly? Let's get it on!

Venus: Thank you!

[Mars closes door]

Venus: Are you going to offer to take my coat?

Mars: Fuck no. Chuck it right there on the couch like everyone else does. Since you came all the way over here to yell at me I'm not in the mood to be...[thinks hard]

Venus: [eye roll] "Chivalrous" is likely what you're looking for. 

Mars: Yeah. That's it...nice and manly and shit, right?

Venus: [gently places coat on couch] You really do want to do this the hard way, Mars. I hate that about you. You could do your thing and take a lady's coat but you have to push my buttons.

Mars: You have lost your fucking mind, Venus! You walk in here without telling me you're coming in the middle of NFL Sunday to scream at me. That's some bullshit right there. And since when is taking your coat "my thing"?!

Venus: Have you been watching anything other than sports for the last six weeks?

Mars: For fuck's sake, Venus, I've seen what's going on. Jupiter moving into Scorpio has really fucked some shit up.

Venus: That's one way of putting it. Women are pissed! They're tired of men groping them and sexually harassing them. They've just had it. 

Mars: And women have a right to be pissed. And so do men! And what I hate about you is that you're so angry about women being angry that you don't even think about what men are feeling! 

Venus: [deep breath]  I didn't want to come over here to confront you, but I felt like I had to.

Mars: We did this over the summer, too, Venus. And just like the last time, it's going to be a total waste of time! Just watch.

Venus: I hate that I'm the one who has to bring this up, and I hate that you don't seem to care at all!

Mars: That's where you're wrong, Venus. I do care. I'm just not good at talking about what I'm feeling, OK? And because I suck at it, I don't DO it. It's much more simple than you think. AND I don't think people are gonna like what I have to say.

Venus: I'm a good listener, Mars. So instead of making me goad you until I make you made enough for you to shout at me, why don't you just--

Mars: FINE! I'm angry, OK? I'm angry that we have to have this discussion! I'm angry that you think you're better than I am because men can act like assholes and women are held to a different standard! I'm angry that even while you want men to evolve you still want us to do shit like hang up your fucking jacket and hold the fucking door! I'm angry that many women hate us! I'm angry that the shit that men do to women is the main REASON why women hate us! And I'm supremely fucking pissed that I'm bombarded in the news by men who have done despicable things to women that I feel like I have to evaluate every fucking word I've ever said to a woman and wonder if I was out of line, even when I've done nothing wrong! Because what's real right now? My penis proves that I'm fucking wrong, even when I'm innocent, and because I have a dick I'm guilty, and that's how it is these days! OH and let me not forget that YOU, as the astrological planetary representative of vaginas, are going to barge into my home on fucking Sunday afternoon and interrupt my favorite day of the week and fucking emasculate me! THERE! HAPPY NOW?! [breathing heavily]

Venus: [smiles] Feel better?

Mars: [catching breath] Yeah, I guess so. That was a lot.

Venus: Yes, it was. 

Mars: Listen...

Venus: You have nothing to apologize for, Mars. You're feelings are legitimate and they deserve to be heard. I hate the way you express your feelings, but I'm glad you said them just the same. [stands up] It's obvious that we still have a lot of work to do, Mars. And when I say "we", I really do mean you AND me. 

Mars: True. And for what it's worth, Venus, women need to keep standing up to men who act like dirtbags. It's time for them to fight back. But treating all men like we're out to disrespect or grope or sexually harass women, well...that's not gonna work, and you fucking know it.

Venus: [picks up coat off the couch] For what it's worth, I hate to fight with you. 

Mars: [gets up and opens the door]  I hate that I love to fight with you, Venus. And I hate having to do this on Sunday afternoon. You're lucky I have DVR so I didn't miss any of the game!

Venus: Text me later? After the game?

Mars: Yes, after the game. Now get lost. Nicely. [smiles]

Friday, November 17, 2017

Astrology by Tara's New Moon in Scorpio Forecast

Astrology by Tara
New Moon in Scorpio @ 26 Scorpio
November 18, 2017

Greetings Sky Watchers,

As we have discussed before, planets are more effective in certain zodiac signs than in others. Astrologers use the term essential dignity to describe the planet’s ability to function well or poorly. Immediately, we notice that the Moon is in fall in Scorpio. When a planet is in fall, it has difficulty expressing its energy through that particular zodiac sign.

With the Moon—our emotional body—in fall, we can expect intense emotional responses where we feel a bit overwhelmed by how we are feeling and possibly incapable of processing the raw power behind our emotions. Think of a rushing river that constantly threatens to spill over its banks, refusing to be controlled; that’s a great image for the Moon in Scorpio.

At the time of the New Moon, the Sun and Moon will be on the eastern horizon, sharing the sign of Scorpio with the Ascendant, Venus, and Jupiter. Having Scorpio rising and four planetary bodies in the rising sign during the New Moon creates very intense Scorpio energy that fuels the entire chart. Scorpio is the fixed water sign and its energy is powerful, passionate, determined, seductive, intuitive, manipulative, and lethal.

Having the Sun and Moon both conjunct the ascendant means that the physical body and first house of self will be a focus of this New Moon. The Scorpio Sun asks where you’re headed and urges you to transform dreams into reality. The Scorpio Moon (in Fall) reminds you of the constant struggle within to deal with our intense emotional body.

This Scorpio Moon in the first house is going to force you to FEEL what’s going on around you, and you would be wise to find a productive way to express yourself and use the energy in a positive way. It’s important to deal with your emotions constructively and not ignore them. This is especially true since Scorpio rules the 12th house, 1st house and the Ascendant in this chart.

The 12th house rules the unconscious mind, the secrets we keep, our karmic ties to past lives, and often what needs to be released. It represents the darkness before the dawn. The ascendant represents the birth of physical body, while the 1st house represents the primal self. With Scorpio ruling the 12th house, the ascendant, and the first house we need to look at how the Scorpio energy is moving through all three aspects of our lives to serve our higher purpose.

With Scorpio on the Ascendant, it’s important for us to look at the planets that rule Scorpio, which would be Mars (classical) and Pluto (ruler). Both can be considered “chart rulers” and square each other in this New Moon chart; it's an adversarial relationship. Mars represents our vitality and passion, while Pluto represents transformation and change. During the new moon we have Mars in Libra (relationships) in the sociable 11th house of friends, hope, and dreams. Pluto is located in Capricorn (title / career) in the 2nd house of money, values, possessions, and physical and emotional security. What’s more is that both Pluto and Mars have a relationship (aspect) to Venus in Scorpio in the 12th, which creates a new dynamic of energy.

In astrology, Venus represents two major areas of our life: Love and money. Venus is in detriment in Scorpio, which means that she has to work twice as hard to accomplish small things in this intensely emotional water sign. Venus’ aspects to both Pluto and Mars are helpful in this case; the exchange of energy helps them function better than they normally would. Pluto is located in the 2nd house, a house that Venus naturally rules through Taurus. Pluto is also sextile Venus, providing opportunities for positive interactions. Here we see the ability for the planets to draw energy from each other to improve the situation slightly, despite the difficulty they may be experiencing through its essential dignity or house placement.

Lastly, we have Jupiter conjunct Venus in Scorpio. Jupiter receives an accidental dignity as the classical ruler of the 12th house. Jupiter and Venus also trine to, or blend with, Neptune in Pisces. Neptune is the modern ruler of the 12th house, and Pisces is the natural ruler of the 12th house by the natural zodiac. Neptune’s complimentary aspect to Venus and Jupiter in the 12th house indicates that there will be a highly spiritual energy resonating through the planet’s energy exchanges.

This New Moon asks us to reevaluate our emotional, spiritual, and physical ties to others, and calls on us to acknowledge ourselves and constructively find a way to address our emotional, spiritual, financial, and physical needs in a healthy manner. This may require intense discipline and sacrifice for self-transformation, and to dissolve unhealthy relationships within and without. It can also strengthen positive relationships with purposeful, passionate, and transformative behavior.

Ultimately everything begins and ends within us. We can choose to ignore what we really feel inside and constantly point fingers elsewhere, or we can take responsibility for our own lives and own it. This New Moon is calling us to release what no longer serves our higher good and diligently focus on fixing what requires our attention.

In short, it’s time to GET REAL. So set your New Moon intentions wisely!

Brightest Blessings



Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Holding Court: Wands Royalty Redux

[knocking on door]

King of Wands: [booming voice] Come on, Jennifer. We know you're in there!

[sound of feet coming down stairs]

Queen of Wands: Please open the door, great lady! We have brought you a pumpkin chai to start your day!

Jen [behind door]: Oh shit.

[Door opens a small amount]

Jen: John's not here. 

Queen of Wands: And you're on your way to pottery class, right? We know you love it! And so do we!

Jen: [confused] Yes, I am, and I do. And the Ren Faire is OVER! [Pause] I don't know what came over me but I apologize for being rude.

King of Wands: We have that effect on people, Jennifer, but that's OK. We love you without that speech filter. 

[King gestures to Jen holding a venti pumpkin chai. Jen opens door, comes onto steps, and takes it.]

Jen: So if you're not heading to a ren faire...[mouth drops open in shock]. Well damn...I suspect I know who you must be now. 

King of Wands: [inclines head] Excellent. We're here to talk about your husband!

Jen: So you want me to talk to two...archetypes...about my human husband? OK, so he's weird and I debate his normalcy sometimes. But I'm not in the mood to share, and I've got shit to do. [shakes head and mumbles] Weird talking without a filter!

King of Wands: Well we won't take much of your time...

Jen: Your Highness, you may think you're only competing with pottery, but you're also competing with custom orders, National Novel Writing Month...and the new Assassin's Creed Origins! Shit to DO. 

Queen of Wands: We're here because we're concerned about John. Two Tarot Tuesdays have gone by with no blogs and we're just making sure he's OK...

Jen: I can tell you how he won't be OK, Lady. He won't be OK if he doesn't have clothes to wear on his trip this weekend to Midwest School of Astrology. So unless you two want to carry down some laundry from upstairs...

King of Wands: So he's OK then?

Jen: Yes, he's fine! He's already at work, the crazy early morning bastard, and sometimes he gets up even earlier to work out. So physically he's great.  

Queen of Wands: [relieved] Oh, we're so glad to hear it!

King of Wands: Yes, we want to make sure that his public affairs remain at the forefront of his mind. 

Jen: He'll be happy he missed you. [Pause] Shit! Sorry. Is there something else before I say something truly embarrassing?

Queen of Wands: Aren't you John's artist? We were led to understand that there's a book about us coming next...

Jen: Oh, I see where this is going now. When John actually finishes WRITING that book then we'll talk. But that conversation won't be today. Thanks for the chai, but if you please, nicely fuck off! Royally even!

[Jen slams door]

Queen of Wands: Well, that was somewhat embarrassing...

King of Wands: [pulls out smartphone] Yes, somewhat, my dear. Let's repair to our Uber. It's the only way to escape an embarrassing situation in style!