
Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017: Looking Backward and Forward

It’s that time of year again, good people, where we look back over the past year in a Saturnian way: To understand where we were and find out what we can learn from it.

One of the most interesting things I learned this year was about Saturn, and how many pictures of him show a pair of dragons pulling his wagon, looking backward. Their gaze is directed toward the past, because it is said that only once an event has passed will we understand its importance. In other words, it’s not likely that you know a “Saturn moment” when it first happens. Only in hindsight do we have full clarity.

For me, it’s been a turbulent year, but not a bad one at all. It reinforced the basic idea that change is constant. But it’s only through making changes that we grow. That’s not always easy, but this year I feel like I stepped up to the challenge in many areas. Of course, there are many ways I can improve, and I hope that if you see a way that I can be better, you’ll mention it. Criticism, or its more comfortable cousin, feedback, can be challenging for many of us to hear, and my goal over the next year is to take it less personally and see what I can do to be a better leader and person.

I’m taking being a leader a lot more seriously than I ever have, and I encourage others to lead now. I see potential in so many people, and the idea of being a leader in your own life is likely to be a theme that I discuss in tarot readings and astrology charts; I am surrounded by so many amazing people—clients, mentees, and friends—and I’d like to help you achieve your goals. Even though my schedule is packed, I love helping people and hope to take on more private students and mentees this coming year.

I don’t really get political on this blog and I don’t intend to do so today. But what this year’s political landscape has shown me is that it’s even more important for all of us to have confidence in ourselves and our abilities. At times, it’s seemed like there’s been so much negativity all around us, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, demoralized, or digusted by it, and giving up seems like the right thing to do. Please don’t give up! This also holds true for our personal relationships: Negative people inhibit growth. Surround yourself with those who lift you up, who provide a positive example and attitude, and your chances of success are a lot higher.

Speaking of positive people, I’m so incredibly blessed to have a whole bunch of them supporting me, starting with my beloved bride Jennifer, the Queen of Pentacles. I would not be who I am today if not for you. Thanks to the Queens of Wands, Swords, and Cups, for your honesty, support, and guidance; I’m humbled and honored to have you in my life.

While there are only four tarot queens, I’m blessed to have so many other strong women in my life—mentors, mentees, and dear friends who have been there for me this year, and who honor me by allowing me to share in their lives. Thank you for asking me about how I’m doing and listening; you help me more than you know.

A very special shout out to the Ladies of the Loins, who have shown me true friendship and loyalty. You know who you are, ladies. :)

Thank you as always to my clients. I’m blessed to have a loyal group of people trust me with their challenges, and believe me when I tell you that I learn something new from you every time you allow me to serve you. You make me a better person, leader, astrologer and reader. Also, thank you to the members of our online Pagan group. I look forward to more learning, ritual, and fellowship in the coming year.

Finally, to those who read this blog: Thank you a thousand times. Nearly seven years have passed since it started and it’s still going strong. It’s a testament to the Saturnian dedication of each one of you reading these words. I’m hoping to have a few more guest bloggers this year to showcase some amazing talent.

Saturn may be a dick sometimes, but he can help you achieve what you thought was out of your reach if you let him. I hope as you look back over 2017 you will discover important truths to help you lead yourself to whatever goal you desire.

I look forward to hearing from you in the coming year. May 2018 bring everything you want and more!



Monday, December 18, 2017

Astrology by Tara's New Moon Forecast--New Moon in Sagittarius

New Moon at 26 Sagittarius
December 18, 2017
1:30am, Washington DC

Greetings Sky Watchers,

Today we will discuss the last new Moon of 2017. As we have discussed in the past, in astrology, the luminaries (Moon & Sun) relate to aspects of self. The Moon corresponds to our emotional being and our soul, while the Sun corresponds with our vitality and who we have the potential to become.

There are two times of the month where the relationships between our two luminaries are the strongest by aspect and they are new Moons and full Moons. A new Moon is a time when the Moon and Sun are conjunct by zodiac degree. Conjunctions are the strongest of all astrological aspects, and they represent a blending of energy between the planetary bodies.

At the time of the new Moon, the ascending sign will be Libra, which means that Venus will have rulership of the chart. Venus expresses both how we love as well as how we relate to others, and she will be in Sagittarius and conjunct the New Moon, within five degrees. The conjunction of Venus to the New moon will add another layer of Venusian warmth and universal love to this new Moon.

Venus, the Sun, and Moon have plenty of company in the sign of Sagittarius during this new Moon as both Mercury and Saturn accompany them. Remarkably all five planets are roughly within fifteen degrees of each other in the third house, creating a stellium by both house and sign. Stelliums are energy powerhouses that contain at least three planets conjunct each other.

These five planets also form a daisy chain, which means that the planets are close enough that they are linked together, much like the games played during recess when in grade school. In essence, they are acting like a team. In this case Team Sagittarius sets out to begin a new lunar cycle as they cross the threshold of a new year together.

The anchor of the team are the luminaries, Sun and Moon, sharing their light out to the other three planets. Old Man Saturn leads the charge as he sees his home sign of Capricorn so close he can almost touch it; he arrives there three days after this new Moon, and he will remain in Capricorn until 2020. It’s almost as if Saturn is saying “Come on guys, let’s go! It’s time for hard work, but the rewards will be fantastic.” Just behind the new Moon is Venus, who softens the energy by promising universal love, truth, and loyalty. Retrograde Mercury slowly brings up the rear, not moving at full speed as he heads toward his direct station.

With the stellium of planets in extroverted and charming Sagittarius, in the 3rd house of travel and communication, one can expect lots of holiday travel and conversations regarding personal opinions with people we connect with mentally. However, with Mercury retrograde and struggling in its detriment in blunt Sagittarius, it’s important to choose our words wisely and ensure we communicate effectively and clearly without thoughtless or careless remarks that might hurt those closest to us.

On a lighter note, during this lunation Uranus is in the 7th house of relationships in Aries, trine the new Moon stellium. Uranus, the planet of electricity, could bring some shocking surprises, especially when it comes to relationships with others.

New Moons are a time to reset and refocus as we head into another lunar cycle. With so many planets in Sagittarius right now, it should call our attention to the symbolism of the celestial centaur. Remember that the centaur sets his mark high, and he aims to hit his target dead center or in the heart, and so should we.

Brightest Blessings,



Saturday, December 16, 2017

2018 Forecast from Neptune

Hello everyone! I know you haven't heard a lot from me recently...I'm always off trying to connect with everyone and everything. And I'm not exactly sober most of the time. That doesn't mean I'm a total lush or anything, but I do like my alcohol and perhaps other escapes. 

In any case, John asked me to take a few moments to connect with all of you about what I'm planning to do next year. Like Pluto, I don't go too far in a year, since I'm retrograde a lot of the time. But to be honest, I'm totally cool with that. I mean, I can like come into a particular area of your chart, then duck out of it for a bit until I'm ready to come in for realzies. 

Of course, I'm still in Pisces, my most favored sign, for a number of years to come. But I start off the year at 11 Pisces 54 and I'll make my way to 16 Pisces 30 on June 19 as I hit my retrograde station. 

If you've got something at 16 Pisces, you may feel some uh, well, some...intense emotion and other things depending on what happens to be there. While I'm not great at giving advice if your birthday is in late February or early March I'd be watching me very closely because your Sun is somewhere around 16 Pisces. Then I start moving backward through the sign. 

By November 26--close to Thanksgiving--I'll be back to 13 Pisces 42 at my direct station. So expect me to sit there and churn things up, making it difficult to see anything that's near 13 Pisces. This not only includes planets, good people, but midpoints, nodes, and other important chart locations, like your Ascendant and Midheaven. 

I'll end the year at 14 Pisces 05. So yeah...not far at all. I'll move under 3 degrees total for the whole year. That means if you've got any planet or point between 11 Pisces and 16 Pisces, please know that my transcendental presence will affect you this year. The effect will depend on the planet, and frankly, I'm not sober enough to speak about the rest of them. I'm just glad to be a part of the team. But you can bet that whatever planet or point I'm near you're going to have trouble seeing clearly. I am the Great Deceiver, you know!

Special note: If you are around 42 years old, remember that I square--make a 90-degree angle to--your natal Neptune position. At that time, you may find yourself sort of wandering spiritually, or totally unambitious, wanting to daydream or sleep instead of going to work, not that I even know what work is anyway. 

When I squared John's natal Neptune position about five years ago, you can see what happened: He went back to Nantes for the first time in 21 years. Jen sent him there can go back and read the very spiritual sounding blogs he wrote about his earlier experiences there as well as his visit. His friends at his old school called it a pilgrimage, and that's pretty much what it was. 

Anyway, if you're pushing 42 you'll want to know when this is going to happen and prepare for it. I'd suggest buying tissues, sleep aids and/or more caffeinated beverages, and lots of booze. If you're not sure, ask an astrologer...they're much more precise about me than I can be for myself. John's a really nice guy and if you ask him he should be able to tell you what's up with me if you want...but I'm not a high-pressure guy. Whatever. 



Thursday, December 14, 2017

2018 Forecast for Pluto

So as you probably figured out by now, I don't travel very fast. In fact, I only go two degrees a YEAR. 

Many of you may not understand how slow that is. Well, Lady Moon never stops moving. That bitch goes 11-15 degrees a day. She gets all the way through the signs in 28 days or so. And she doesn't have to go retrograde, either, which slows me down a lot!

At a net two degrees a year, you will never see me return to my spot on your chart in your lifetime unless medical technology gets radically better...the United States just had its Pluto return after more than 260 years!

Anyway, I take my good fucking time, but when I finally get to where I'm headed, I pack a real punch. 

This year, I'll be starting off at 18 Capricorn 47, and I'll move all the way to 21 Capricorn 17 before stationing--hanging out, in astrological terms--before going retrograde. I'll head back through Capricorn starting around April 23 or so and head all the way back to 18 Capricorn 45 before turning around on October 1. 

Yeah, I know...I'll start again in October from before where I even started on January 1. It feels like I can't fucking get anyplace! But before the year is over, I'll be at 18 Capricorn 59. 

By the way, that second number--the "59" in 18 Capricorn 59, is "minutes". There are 60 minutes in a degree, so I'll ALMOST be at 19 Capricorn by the beginning of next year. It's pretty piss poor progress, people. 

But I'm a powerful son of a bitch, so check your own astrology chart. If you've got planets between 18 and 21 Capricorn, watch the fuck out. I'm the planet of nuclear change, bitches. Just ask John!  A few years back, he had constant change for nearly two full years as I went over his Ascendant. That poor bastard had to change work desks 6 times, bosses 5 times, and even changed jobs. It was rough for him.

So John told me to tell you what was up, and I did. And if you've got planets where I'll be, remember that I also rule the criminal underworld and what Al Capone once said: "You can get further with a kind word and a gun than you can with just a kind word."

If you don't have any planets there, I'm sure some other planet will come along to ruin your life. That old fucking bastard Saturn is coming into Capricorn, too, so the fun is just beginning. 

Nuke 'em all!


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Tarot Tuesday: The After Tarot Deck

So when you've been using a deck for a while, it's always good to change things up and use a different one. I'm a Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) fan, so when I heard about the After Tarot, I was totally intrigued. 

The After Tarot is the RWS images, re-done one moment after the originals. On the Two of Cups, for example, the couple that was separated is now embracing. The Fool is hanging off the cliff. And the two people on the Devil are having sex as the Devil looks on.

One of the more interesting ones for me was the Three of Swords. The heart is bandaged and the swords are no longer in the heart. The changes may not seem huge, but they are. Some of the cards seem less harsh, while others are more so. 

And that's where things get interesting. Should your interpretation change because the images are different? In other words, if you use the RWS and you tend to be more gloom and doom, will using a deck like After Tarot make your readings (seem) more optimistic?

Take a look at the images in the link above, and let me know what you think! Are you a fan of the RWS or not?Do you like this deck? Let me know via social media or in the comments!

PS: On a practical level, if you want to see After Tarot in action, I'll be reading with it at Pin Curls for the foreseeable future, but I'll also have the traditional RWS as well.

PPS: By the way, if you REALLY want to expand your interpretations, take a look also at the Tarot of the New can see the RWS images from behind. Honestly, that one will rock your world! 

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Tarot Tuesday: SOTA 2017 Feedback and SOTA 2018

So a number of you have asked me how the presentation at SOTA 2017 went back in October. At the time I felt it had gone pretty well overall, but no matter good you feel at the time, you always wait until you hear back from the organizer and see how the evaluations came back. 

The feedback was especially important to me this year because I did a lecture at a lunch, and I hadn’t ever really done a lecture structured this way. What’s more is that people paid extra to attend this lecture, and I was thrilled that I sold out, but disappointed that not everyone who wanted to see me could do so. 

The total time for the lunch lecture is 1 hour and 15 minutes, but I was told that the lunch, which was catered, would arrive at some point in the first 20 minutes. I asked about the room structure and there were two tables of 6-7 people each, so I knew that a traditional lecture style wouldn’t work this time.  

What I came up with was an activity that lasted about 45 minutes. Lunch arrived promptly and I allowed 30 minutes for participants to eat and get to know one another. Once people were finished eating, each table was one group and I gave each group a tarot card for brainstorming. Then I asked the groups to come up with movies that would represent the card they had, since the presentation was on learning the tarot through pop culture. I gave the groups about 15 minutes to come up with movies. 

The two cards that I gave out were the Empress and the Emperor, and the participants came up with some fantastic ideas that fit into the archetypes of the cards. We went over the answers and had some great discussion about other films that might fit the cards as well. Everyone seemed to have a good time and walk away with some knowledge, and that to me is what counts.  

I’m thrilled to report that I’ve been asked back to speak at SOTA 2018! The feedback was excellent, and people were really happy and asked for more time with me. So I’ll have an hour-long slot in the main conference next fall, and my topic will be “Telling Time with Tarot.” 

The even better news came along last week. Traditionally, speakers at SOTA prefer to talk on astrology and not on other metaphysical topics, and I can understand that. The conference is an astrology conference, after all, and is branching out into other areas. The conference organizer, Donna Van Toen, said that she’d like to give me a two-hour slot in 2019 if there’s enough interest. Please understand that normally those slots are reserved for astrology speakers, so it’s an incredible honor that I’m even being considered for it. 

I mention this because a number of you are interested in astrology as well as other metaphysical topics. Even though SOTA 2018 isn’t until next October, I’d like you to consider joining us if you have an interest. The conference speakers are fantastic, and what’s’s a small conference where you can interact with the speakers. I’ve had drinks and meals with many of them, and I always come home having learned a ton.  

Finally, if you do come to SOTA and decide to drop in on “Telling Time with Tarot”, it will reinforce the need for additional metaphysical topics in the conference, which will only benefit the attendees. I’ve had a number of students attend and we always have a good time. If you play your cards right, I might even organize a night trip to Niagara Falls, less than 30 minutes from the hotel. In short, if you want more information, please ask. You can also check out the SOTA Web site for all the details. 

Thanks to all of you for your support. I’m blessed to have a loyal following among my clients and students. 

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Astrology by Tara's Full Moon Forecast

Full Moon in Gemini
December 3, 2018
10:47am, Washington, DC

Greetings Sky Watchers,

This full Moon is the only super full moon of 2017. The term “super moon” describes the distance of the moon to the earth; as such, it appears larger than normal in our sky.

Full Moons represent a time of peak energy. As usual, we must balance the opposing forces of our physical body and vitality (Sun) and our spiritual and emotional reactions (Moon).

This month the Sun is in fiery and playful Sagittarius, and the full Moon will be in the opposing sign of cerebral Gemini.

With the Sun in vivacious and serendipitous Sagittarius in the 10th house, we can expect our focus to be on career and public image while stepping out in style for some holiday fun. Sagittarius is the sign of the world traveler, the eternal partier, the linguist, the comedian, the philosopher, and the archer who always has his eye on the horizon, bow aimed high at his dreams. Sagittarians literally shoot for the stars.

This month, the Archer will be at odds with his emotional self, which can rock the boat of stability. The full Moon will be located in the 4th house, representing early life, family, and property. In Gemini, she addresses topics that include local travel, communication, our siblings, and our early learning. 

At this time, we will be driven by family needs and self-expression. Our families can provoke a highly emotional response, which is at odds with our focus and goals. 

To complicate matters this time around, Mercury, Gemini's ruler, will arrive at his retrograde station at 29 Sagittarius. 
Mercury retrogrades three or four times per year and lasts for several weeks. 

Planets in retrograde cause us to pause, reflect, review, and reassess how the energy is expressing itself. Retrograde also causes us to internalize the energy of the planet, which can make the energy feel much more personal.

With Mercury in retrograde during the full Moon, and the Moon sitting in a Mercury-ruled sign (Gemini), there is a much higher than average possibility of being a lot of miscommunicated energy released during this full Moon.

Another factor in this chart is Mercury’s relationship to other planets and the house it occupies. Mercury is conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius and sextiles Mars in Libra, while it is trine Uranus in Aries. There is a lot of power being offered to the planet of communication during this lunar phase, and much of it brings a bit of elemental fire.

With Mercury and Saturn in the 11th house of groups, community, friendships and the Internet, verbal outbursts may occur more easily at seasonal functions. Alcohol at these events could add more fuel to the fire, so please imbibe responsibly and tread carefully. Finally, Mars and Uranus oppose each other as well, which can contribute to accidents, so it’s incredibly important now to watch your words and actions.

Knowing that there is the potential for there to be serious miscommunication in interactions with family and friends this full Moon enables us the opportunity to be more diligent in how we behave towards people, helping us avoid disputes and misunderstandings.

Neptune squares both luminaries, forming a T-square. This chart has an empty 7th house, so we are forced to at 11 Virgo in the 7th house to find balance. It reinforces the need for us to be mindful of all the dynamics of all of our interpersonal relationships. Just know that you can clearly state how you feel without being harsh or aggressive. 

If you are a person with a lot of planets near 11 degrees of any mutable sign—Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces—you may feel exceptionally emotional during this full Moon; therefore, it’s even more vital for you to take the time to choose your words wisely. 

“Say what you mean; mean what you say” serves as the catch phrase of this full Moon.

Full Moon blessings to one and all!


Friday, December 1, 2017

The View from Saturn: Restating the Rules

A very pleasant good evening to one and all. 

Those of you who know me well know that I rarely show my emotions on the surface. I prefer it that way, and my feelings--few as they may be--are a private matter for no one else. 

But I come before you, dear friends, with a sense of the most profound disappointment. 

I spend precious little time on frivolities, such as entertainment, television, and the Internet and the social media circus that it has become. I barely know how to use any sort of technology, preferring the beautiful scraping of the sharpened #2 pencil on paper to any of that nonsense. And even though Mercury will be turning retrograde shortly and generally is an unreliable planet, I do thank him for the postal service through which I can send John my many epistles.

[As a side note, for those of you hoping for more news about Mercury and his usual thrice-yearly retrograde nonsense, I'm sure John will be writing about it any moment now to stoke your anxieties and give you something to blame besides your own insignificant efforts.]

To be frank, "mail" was just fine before it was "electronic", although many of you have forgotten the fine art of putting pen to paper in the literal sense. Many of you might say "IRL" in this context, but since I have plenty of sharpened writing instruments and have placed my work "smartphone" in a small locker where it has no power and no way to receive or transmit a signal, I lack a need for such...modern writing conventions. And I have never understood why the concept of writing letters is now associated with assorted shelled gastropods, and its modern electronic cousin with ground, shaped pork and ham in a can of all things, but I digress. 

Even in my deliberately sheltered world of bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, I can no longer remain silent about the news that has repeatedly reached my ears since Jupiter, the horniest bastard of them all, has moved into sexual Scorpio: That some humans possessed of a Y chromosome feel the need to routinely violate the boundaries other human beings, mainly those with two X chromosomes.

Frankly, I am deeply offended that I even have to repeat these rules of behavior, but since it has become necessary to reiterate them, I will try to express them as simply as I can: 

1) The only person that you have the right to touch is yourself. Anyone else requires consent, and ideally, an invitation or other indication that said individual welcomes that contact.

2) Your desire to have contact with another person does not under any circumstances negate the other person's right to refuse that contact. Your intentions for initiating said contact are completely irrelevant.

3) No matter what your position in any hierarchy, no matter the size of the organization, your power, authority, position, influence, or other marks of status do not entitle you to touch any person without their consent.

SPECIAL NOTE: "Any person" also includes any unborn fetus gestating inside a female's body. In that case, the female carrying the fetus may choose to give you consent to touch her stomach. You are not, however, entitled to do so; a child in utero is NOT considered community property. Would you want your offspring contaminated with the germs of the unwashed hands of strangers? I should say not!

4) A person's attire, age, race, culture, gender, sexuality, sexual preference, religion, marital status, or hierarchical position in relationship to you does not entitle you to touch them. None of the aforementioned factors are considered an invitation for any contact whatsoever unless the individual's consent is given.

5) If one party in a two-person situation cannot for some reason consent, then it is the obligation of the second person to cease and desist the activity immediately if it is in progress, or to delay initiation of said activity, until the other party does give consent.

True leadership comes with many obligations. One of the main duties of any leader is to put aside his or her personal desires in favor of those in his or her charge and the organization as a whole. Any leader who takes advantage of his or her position to pursue their own agenda with someone for whom s/he is responsible is absolutely unworthy of the title and should face immediate consequences, not the least of which should be the loss of a leadership position and a tarnishing of their reputation. This, of course, does not preclude the possibility of civil or criminal prosecution, and continual repetition of the offender's crimes on the Internet through text, video, and news reporting. It is a small price to pay for the humiliation, shame, and degradation that your activity has visited upon another human being!

You should know that in under three weeks now, I will be entering Capricorn, one of my most favored signs. Let me also remind you that I am the planet of karma. I shouldn't need to warn you of the consequences of violating the aforementioned boundaries, but it seemed like a clear reminder of what is at stake is necessary for some of you. I am also a big fan of repeating important messages until retention occurs.

John has allowed me to detail my activities for the next year, but those will come at a later date. I've requested for my thoughts to appear on the solstice, but John will make the final decision. 

For now, heed my warning carefully and respect the boundaries of all people.   

If you think things are serious now, just wait a few weeks. I'm coming back to Capricorn after a long hiatus and will set things right. There are a million things I haven't done. Just you wait; just you wait!

