
Sunday, August 26, 2018

Tara's Pisces Full Moon Forecast

August 26, 2018
Washington DC

Greetings Sky Watchers,

Finally, the first lunation in 8 long weeks that isn’t an eclipse! I can almost hear a collective sigh of relief from those of us who understand the power of eclipses. Regretfully much of this summer’s eclipse and retrograde planet’s energy is still in the mix; Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and Saturn are still retrograde, their energy turned inward. Many of us will be internalizing our situations in life and rethinking our strategy.

At the time of the full moon, the sign Virgo is on the ascendant, which gives Mercury rulership of the chart. Mercury is no longer retrograde; however, it’s not yet back to full strength either, which means communication can still be foggy and problematic.

The first thing to notice here is that each of the 4 angles has shifted from cardinal to mutable signs. Immediately we see a potential for a decrease in the energy to start projects and an overall indecisiveness. People will weigh out their options and change their minds, possibly several times, and not necessarily for the better. Mercury in Leo tells us that standing firm in our choices and not wavering can be a good choice, especially if for a beneficial reason.

Next, the natural opposition of the Virgo/Pisces axis is flipped. This full Moon is at 3 Pisces, which traditionally rules the 12th house, but in this case both the sign Pisces and the moon will be in the 6th house, naturally ruled by analytical Virgo / Mercury. Likewise, the Sun at 3 Virgo will be in the 12th house naturally ruled by intuitive and compassionate Pisces / Neptune.

Virgo naturally rules the 6th house of daily tasks, our jobs, our health, our employment, and our coworkers. Virgo represents all things that require our close attention, cerebral processing and attention to detail, which is why Mercury rules Virgo. When the Sun is in Virgo it increases the feeling that it’s time to get organized, get focused, and get down to business. During this full moon, the Sun will be in Virgo but within the 12th house naturally ruled by Pisces / Neptune.

So here we have the dichotomy of two opposite signs (Pisces/Virgo), in naturally opposed houses (6th/12th), during a full moon, bringing focus to our self / Sun and our emotions / Moon. The key word is BALANCE! The difficult part is figuring out how to find it. This is where we really use the chart and planetary aspects to see how we can find our balance.

The showstopper of this chart is the kite pattern, which can indicate fated events. A kite occurs when a grand trine is present and a single planet opposes one of the planets. One of the planets in the opposition is also sextile to the 2 other planets of the grand trine. Both grand trines and sextiles are considered benevolent patterns that bring ease and harmony. The opposition within the kite creates a bow and arrow effect, which focuses the pattern’s energy to one focal point.

In this full moon chart, we have a grand trine is earth signs: Sun in Virgo in the 12th House, Saturn in Capricorn in the 4th House, and Uranus in Taurus in the 8th House. The theme of a grand earth trine is one of hard work and stability. However, the houses are naturally ruled by water signs--12th house by Pisces, 4th house by Cancer and the 8th house by Scorpio. Water houses will always have a water or emotional and spiritual effect so we must try to remain grounded while meeting our emotional needs.

The full moon creates the spine of the kite and the arrow of our bow. The moon in Pisces is the point of action, where we draw back the bow and the Sun is the focal point. With the Pisces moon in the 6th house, it is very likely that people’s emotions and even addictions may get the best of them, especially while trying to find a coping mechanism to deal with the stress and pressure of day to day tasks.

With the Sun as our focal point deep in the 12th house of recovery and secrets, it’s time for us to get honest with ourselves. To me, this indicates a karmic stop sign: You can’t lie to yourself any longer or outrun fate. Have you been neglecting yourself for others? Have you been putting your responsibilities over your emotional and physical health? Have you allowed your emotional attachment to work or your to-do list override your body and soul’s need for rest?

With the mutable signs on the angles it will be easier now for all of us to talk ourselves out of purposeful self-care and recovery. I encourage you to make yourself a priority for all the most beneficial reasons possible. Remember that we cannot pour from an empty cup! Self-love goes a long way to creating balance.

Brightest Blessings!


Saturday, August 11, 2018

Eclipses and Saying Goodbye to Morgana Madison

Morgana Madison Wells Marani
August 30, 2004-July 30, 2018

As many of you already know, our oldest cat Morgana, who I affectionately called Momo, passed away nearly two weeks ago. Our Virgo kitty was approaching her 14th birthday. She gave Jen and me so many years of devotion and kindness that we're incredibly thankful we had so long with her. 

She was diagnosed with cancer back in March and we were told if we were lucky we would have her for another year. Once we received the news, I was afraid that she might pass away around the time she did, near the lunar eclipse of a few weeks ago. This wasn't an intuitive guess but more of an astrological one.

Let me explain. Eclipses are very powerful phenomena that produce ten times the energy of a normal lunation. Many people and animals will pass away during the eclipses, and cats are ruled by the Moon. We heard about several other people who lost loved ones, both human and animal, over the past four or five weeks. 

Astrologically it's a very turbulent time for many. I like to think of eclipses as "doors opening and closing", and not just in the sense of mortality, of course. People often find that an eclipse will signal the end of certain possibilities and the beginnings of new ones.

With that said, if you don't see the effects immediately, hang on and keep your eyes open. They can happen up to six months before or after an eclipse. 
In my case, at both of the last two sets of eclipses, life-changing events have been put into motion. 

Think of an eclipse as the universe's way of saying "You can't go that way anymore so keep moving!" and then opening up other possibilities that you can now access. And when an eclipse takes something from you, likely there's no going back to it, but you can be sure that something will come to light to shift your focus. 

Anyway, my point is that you should keep the dates of the eclipses handy. If you consult a professional astrologer, they should be telling you when the eclipses are going to occur and if they will be hitting a particular place or planet so you can prepare for the effects. Respect the eclipse energy by at least being aware of when they're coming so you're ready. 

Finally, our house is just not the same without Momo, who was a kind, gentle, sweet cat who loved being around her humans. Please send positive thoughts, prayers, Reiki or any other good vibes our way. Luna and Pele seem to be adjusting better than the humans. 

Friday, August 10, 2018

Tara's Solar Eclipse Forecast, August 11, 2018

Solar Eclipse 

Saturday, August 11, 2018

5:46am, Washington, DC

Greeting Sky Watchers,

We are back for the third and final eclipse of summer 2018. This eclipse is the third eclipse in 4 weeks. There are also a total of 5 planets currently in retrograde; two of these, Mercury and Mars, are personal planets, so there is an abundance of cosmic energy floating around. The one thing for certain is that eclipses trigger changes, and retrograde planets will turn the energy within.

Before moving on to what’s in store, let’s review some solar eclipse basics. Solar eclipses like this one are conjunctions of the Sun and Moon, which is the strongest aspect between two planets. Solar eclipses occur at new Moons and add extra energy to the cosmic event. Whenever the nodes of the Moon are close to a lunation; either new or full, there will be an eclipse. The extra energy of the eclipse act as a gateway of energy directed towards planet earth and beyond. Many people believe that these increases in energy also prompt natural events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis.

Leo will be on the horizon in this eclipse chart, so the Sun is our chart ruler. The eclipse occurs at dawn with the Sun and Moon at 18 Leo. The Sun and Moon are joined with mental Mercury in Leo, forming a stellium by both degree and sign. A stellium creates an abundance of energy in one location of any chart, no matter the sign or house. Having a stellium involving the chart ruler at the ascendant, during a solar eclipse, at Sunrise, is an energy explosion!

In the 1st house, Mercury is oriental to the Sun and Moon at 14 Leo, meaning that Mercury will pass over the horizon before the Sun. Mercury is also conjunct 15 Leo, also known as The Lion’s gate, one of the 4 avatar points in every chart.

Avatar points are the anchors of the zodiac; they occur at 15 degrees of each fixed sign and form the exact mid-point between eclipses and equinoxes. Many astrologers refer to the 15th degrees of each fixed sign as “points of fame” or markers of something for which the world will stop and take note.

With Mercury oriental to the Sun, in Leo, in retrograde, and conjunct the solar eclipse, we can expect an abundance of bold communication. Mercury in Leo loves an audience and the attention it brings, and speaks with passion. During a solar eclipse, our emotions (the Moon) cast their shadow on who we are (the Sun). So don’t be a bit surprised if someone’s dramatic Leo overly emotional responses spill over, demanding your full attention.

Leo represents abundance, children, fun activities like hobbies and sports, romance, the theater, and small groups. With so much Leo energy in this chart, most people will have the urge to splurge and have some self-indulgent FUN. Don’t be surprised if an old flame returns; with the oriental Mercury retrograde, this would be the ideal time to determine if the relationship is serving you or not.

One downside to Leo energy is the pouting and sulking when the Lion doesn’t get their way. As with all things, proceed with caution and optimism, but don’t get caught up in the theatrical, ego-driven response of the Lion wanting more than what he/she can have. So roar all you want; you will make a statement for sure, but think about the long-term impact. Ask yourself if this is really how you want to be remembered.

We also see that the new Moon stellium in the 1st house is the focus of a Yod pattern, “the finger of God”. The two legs in the YOD are Neptune in the 8th house and Pluto in the 6th. Each planet involved in the Yod is retrograde, with the exception of the Sun and Moon. This indicates an internal hurdle to be overcome. Neptune and Pluto suggest a supporting relationship that shifts daily tasks or work in connection to what you share with others, especially finances.

The square between retrograde Mars in the 6th house and Uranus in the 10th house is a powerful source of energy. This could signal a time for change within how you approach work or your work environment.

Lastly with the north node always pointing us in the direction of our future in the 12th house, perhaps it’s time that we dust off some of our old ideas we once buried and give them life or take some time to rest.

Remember the gift of Leo, and that is leisure; lions only hunt when they need to. They apply their energy only when needed; otherwise they save their energy and REST. So set your new Moon intentions but remember self-care is important as well.


As always, see you in a few weeks, Sky Watchers!



Monday, August 6, 2018

Saturn and the Nature of Authority, Part 2

Celestial Buddies Saturn Plush
Saturn Plushie from, a gift from my beloved wife!

So here are some Saturn examples from my own life. It's one thing to talk about these times, but it's another to cite different events that were occurring at that time.

While I can't remember much of my opening Saturn square at 7-8, around that time I recall I was in a class for academically talented students and my parents wanted to pull me out of it. I pushed back hard on that one and managed to stay in it until they cut the program.

Also, not long after that time, I started studying music, which my parents were not thrilled about either as they were concerned about my academic success. To their credit, they supported me nonetheless. 

Now until very recently--like when I wrote this blog a few days ago--I was convinced that music is about as non-Saturnian as you can get, and Saturn would see it as a frivolous, time-wasting activity that gets in the way of "real work." I was incorrect; I learned that many musical people are very Saturnian, especially those that work very hard and play music professionally since it requires time, practice, and another great Saturn word, discipline.

A special thanks to my astrology idol Chris Renstrom for providing some expertise and guidance on this topic!

As a side note, I often tell people my childhood was generally pretty boring. When I thought back on it, I spent a LOT of time between 7 and 20 playing music.

I had my first real date around my Saturn opposition at 15-16, and that was interesting dealing with managing my "social life", especially given that my first girlfriend was a daughter of my mom's old friend--there's a Saturn link for you! Saturn rules parents, but also anything old. And let me tell you, that was a weird few months; as a heavy Saturn guy, I was definitely a late bloomer.

I also lost my best friend Jeff around that time, too. He was a stubborn Taurus bastard but I loved him. He had muscular dystrophy and 
I never feel like I knew real sorrow until I found out he died. His passing reminded me of the hard Saturn lesson that we will all bow to him one day. 

Little did I know that just after this period, I'd get my first authority role as a manager at a local McDonald's. My dad had gotten me a job with one of his friends' companies, but it wasn't for me. So when he asked me, "What are you going to do...go work at McDonald's?", that's exactly what I did. I broke one Saturn connection but it ended up leading me to a different one.

At 21-22, I was in grad school and trying to pay for everything on my own while breaking away from my home and parental influence, as well as establish my own life and family structure with my (at the time) fiancee. This was my first "closing square" of Saturn, and it definitely had its challenges as I grew up.

At 28-29, the time of my Saturn return, I was working for a software company and got my first corporate "authority" role as a manager of a group of software instructors. I wasn't very happy in that job because two of my subordinates were--wait for it--OLDER than I was and thought they knew better. Not long after that, however, the company was re-structured through downsizing--there's another Saturn activity involving hierarchies!--and I lost my team. But I was still the Lead Instructor.

While I had a number of "authority" roles before I had my Saturn return, I definitely wasn't comfortable in them. Capricorn rising that I am, people kept trying to put me in them.

It took another Saturn square and opposition--14-15 years or so--until I finally became comfortable with the idea of being a leader three or four years ago.

I'd encourage you to look back at every 7-8 years and check out what was happening to you. You'd be surprised at how much influence Saturn had over you.

And I had to put that plushie up there because 1) my wife bought it for me and 2) Saturn will HATE IT.