
Thursday, October 25, 2018

Tara's Full Moon Forecast for October 24, 2018

Full Moon
Washington DC 

Welcome back for another lunation discussion. While the highlight of the past few astrological weeks has been Venus retrograde, with its effects continuing for several more weeks, this lunation is going to bring light to the retrograde as well.

At approximately 1245 pm, in our nation’s capital, the full moon will hit its zenith point. It’s a daytime lunation chart and the Sun is at the highest position, which will give prominence to the Sun (in the Western Hemisphere). The lunation occurs across the axis of the 4th and 10th house. The Sun is conjunct the mid-heaven and the moon is conjunct the nadir. The 4th house represents home, family, mothers, women, and property. The 10th house represents our career, our reputation, and the way we conduct our business affairs. With the lunation across these houses, it will draw attention to and otherwise energize them.

The ascendant of the chart is Capricorn, which gives Saturn rulership of the chart. At the time of the full moon, Saturn is conjunct the ascendant in the 12th house. Having Capricorn as a rising sign and having Saturn on the ascendant can make for an environment of rules, structure, and hurdles to overcome. It can also make situations and people more reserved.

Having Saturn so close to the ascendant yet within the 12th house can indicate a carrying over of karmic baggage; to me, this says that there is something we are holding on to which would be better to release. Saturn on the ascendant can also cause physical ailments or obstacles. With Saturn trine the moon in Taurus and semi-sextile the south node, it’s likely that what needs to be released may be emotional matters focusing on home or family.

The Midheaven and nadir are at critical astrological degrees in the chart. Critical degrees are the 29th degree of each 30-degree sign. These represent transitional periods or turning points when the energy expression is about to change into a new sign. Having two of the chart’s angles at critical degrees adds to the intensity of the approaching change. The Midheaven and nadir are doorways to the 4th and 10th houses, the axis of the full moon lunation and once again highlighting our 4th and 10th house matters.

The lunation occurs across the axis of 1 Taurus (Moon) and 1 Scorpio (Sun). This full moon lunation occurs a sensitive point in the chart called the bendings of the lunar nodes. The nodes of the Moon are karmic points in a chart that indicate where we are heading and what no longer serves us. The bendings are 90 degrees from the current position of the nodes of the Moon. The north node is currently at 1 degree of Leo and the south node is at 1 degree of Aquarius. This puts the bendings of the nodes at 1 Scorpio and 1 Taurus.

This creates the appearance of a grand cross; however, since the nodes are mathematical points and not actual planetary bodies we cannot say it’s a true grand cross. It does however ask us to reflect on the fact that having planets at the bendings indicates a greater than normal opportunity change. There is a karmic window opening, and it’s time to ask yourself what you need to do to grasp your golden ring.

The Moon has accidental dignity by being in its home house (4th), adding intensity to the Moon’s strength and ability to influence us. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, and functions well in both the house and sign. At the time of the lunation, the Moon will be conjunct both the nadir and the planet Uranus. There is a high probability for something to stimulate or bring shock to our emotional stability or foundations. The mounting emotional pressure will cause undue stress, and it’s possible that whatever is upsetting you can be related to 4th house topics or anything having to do with our movable possessions, resources, and finances.

With the Moon and Uranus at the bendings of the south node, it indicates an echo from our past demanding resolution. South node issues are things that we fall back on because they are familiar to us; however, karmically they are not in line with our growth or highest self. As I said earlier, with the Moon and Uranus being trine Saturn in the 12th, it also indicates a releasing of responsibility. Take a look at what you hold yourself responsible for and who. You may find that you need to let people and things go to adopt new practices and relationships which benefit YOU.

During this lunation, the Sun will be at the first degree of Scorpio. The first degree of any sign is potent, carrying the full intensity of the sign’s energy. The Sun in Scorpio is intense, powerful, and looking for ways to transform you. The sign Scorpio rules transformation, our financial attachments with others, the price we pay (taxes) and regeneration.

The Sun of this lunation chart is elevated, conjunct the mid-heaven, and Venus. Venus remains retrograde, and with her powerful alignment with the Sun she will continue to use her charm to get what she wants and not tolerate what no longer serves her purpose.

Sun and Venus in the 10th house are finding ways to manifest their desires into the forefront of your life, possibly through your career, and at the bendings of the north node, we’re headed in the right direction. The north node is located at 1 degree of Leo in the 7th house of relationships. This combination reinforces the Venus retrograde and the Sun-Venus conjunction in Scorpio, indicating our need to re-assess the relationships in our lives.

The truth is that we need people and people need us. The trick is to choose the right people who help you flourish and don’t continually drain you, even if it’s the very people you’re closest to. It’s time to re-think and re-establish those important boundaries and choose wisely.


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Venus Retrograde and Preparing for SOTA 2018

Good morning, everyone, as the hustle and bustle for my trip to Buffalo has begun in earnest! I told Jen earlier this week that it's like "astrology camp" for me and I look forward to it every year!

This will be my 4th year speaking at SOTA, the State of the Art Astrology Conference in Cheektowaga, NY. I'll present "Telling Time with Tarot" on Saturday afternoon, and hope that I'll get a number of folks to show up to hear it. I've also heard that SOTA is having a record attendance year, with many of the extra lectures and lunches already sold out. This is fantastic news...SOTA is my favorite conference and I really enjoy the atmosphere and the people immensely.

Speaking of things we enjoy, the planet Venus rules them on an astrological level, and right now you may be reconsidering anything Venus-ruled. But I wanted to bring something else to your attention that my beloved Jen mentioned about Venus retrograde. 

She said that when I originally started talking about the effects of Venus retro, she thought that she might be drawn to thinking about these Venus-ruled topics like relationships in a passive way. You sit down for a cup of coffee, for example, and you consider whether or not relationships are serving you.

Her theory is that during this time, Venus-ruled topics are brought to the forefront, that you are actively challenged to deal with them between now and November 16. I wholeheartedly agree; this process has definitely been more "in your face", and that makes sense since Venus retrograde is more like Mars than her usual self. 

Anyway, just a quick note to say hello and hope your fall and your Venus retrograde is going swimmingly. If you have any Venus retrograde stories to share, please let me know!

For those of you coming to SOTA, I'm leaving tomorrow morning and I look forward to seeing you Wednesday afternoon. 


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Tara's October 2018 New Moon Forecast!

October 8th 
1146 pm 
Washington DC

Greetings Sky Watchers,

Welcome back for some more astrology talk. On Monday October 8th ,at approximately 1146 pm, here in the nation’s capital, we experienced a new Moon. As we have discussed in the past a new Moon is the time in a lunar month when the Moon and the Sun share the same sign and degree—an exact conjunction—at 15 degrees Libra.

The lunation will occur in the 4th house; however,  it's an intercepted 4th house. Cancer is on the Ascendant and the chart signature is Cancer as well. The Moon rules Cancer, which gives the Moon rulership over the lunation chart as well as the overall expression of the lunation.

With such a strong emphasis on the sign Cancer, regardless of what sign the Moon actually resides at the time of the lunation, we can expect a focus on Moon-based topics. This is especially true as the lunation will be occurring in the Moon’s native home, the 4th house. We can expect the focus to be on our emotions, families, cultural roots, homes, the land we live on, and women in general.

The intercepted 4th house adds another layer of complexity to this lunation. Intercepted houses are like rooms without windows; locked between two other signs, the only way in is through another door. The intercepted sign has a hard time expressing itself. Its energy is harder to tap into. With the lunation occurring in Libra both the sun and Moon will be trying to express the energy of Libra: partnerships, equality, relationships, and sharing.

The sun in Libra is in its fall, which means that the sun does not function well in his position. The interception will increase the sun’s struggle in Libra. The solar and lunar contact will draw focus on the emotional component, as the Moon is experiencing a coming home in the 4th house. The Moon’s boost being in its home house will bring the focus on our emotional desires and responses to stimulus; especially those things within the boundary of our home environment.

Virgo is on the cusp of the 4th house. This will increase the desire to self-analyze and possibly speak about. Scorpio will finish out the 4th house and the sign asks us to let go of what no longer serves our goals and build bonds with those who can help us get where we need to be.

Currently, we have Venus in retrograde in Scorpio. Venus rules our idea of relationships, finances, and women. In retrograde, Venus nudges us to re-think, re-assess, re-visit, re-do and re-evaluate our current connections to other people and to our finances. 

This is not the time to begin new relationships, new businesses, or anything involving long term emotional or financial attachments. Don’t be surprised if old flames come calling, forcing you to reconsider if they are something you want to revisit. 

With all of that said, proceed with caution; relationships during Venus retrograde may only be based on physical need and NOT the emotional component required for long term healthy relationships.

Venus in Scorpio can also deceive, so there may be more going on than meets the eye. People may be more driven by their own desires and not the truth, manipulating facts to suit their needs and degrade your ability to remain abreast of the situation, a very Scorpio technique. With Scorpio ruling the reproduction and the genitals be careful that during this time you are being mindful to protect yourself against STDs!

Venus retrograde in Scorpio makes an applying square—90-degree angle where the faster planet will overtake the slower one—to Mars in Aquarius. Squares cause challenges between planets, and as these are both personal planets the stakes are high. Venus Mars squares exemplify the classic battle of masculine vs feminine, passion vs self-control, and desire vs feelings. However, it should be noted that with Venus in Scorpio, Venus won’t behave as her normal gentle self; she’s much more aggressive and intense and may cause arguments and other strife.

Finally, there is a Mercury-Uranus opposition during the lunation. Mercury is the planet of thought, messages, learning, and travel. Uranus is the planet of sudden shock and revolution. So It’s especially important for all of us to pay attention to the details of life. 

The coming week or so is going to feel like an energy vortex and everything is going to run at a hectic pace. Be open to new and shocking information that may come your way about people you may know or may be close to, and keep your wits about you. Try to go with the flow whenever possible and stay focused on your own needs. Allowing yourself to become caught up in the web of the social spiral may cause you more harm than good.

Good luck navigating the cosmic energy shift and thanks for listening. I’ll be back to discuss the October full Moon in just about 2 weeks!

Brightest Blessings


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Letters from Saturn: Venus Retrograde Caution

Good morning, everyone, from the most dignified planet to grace this blog. 

Normally when I discuss retrogrades I'm here to talk about Mercury's, which, to be honest, are usually taken way too seriously by the general public. 

In this case, however, I feel that people do not take Venus retrograde seriously enough. I'm here to offer some warnings and advice, should you choose to heed them. 

Venus went on her retrograde business trip a few days ago, as she does once every 18 months or so. My esteemed colleague does need to get out of the office from time to time, so she'll be gone for about 6 weeks, until November 16. 

Once she returns to direct motion, her shadow period will continue through December 17 so her retrograde motion and its effects may be felt through then.

That shadow period is quite important, by the way, as it represents the area that she will travel over twice. 

Venus deals with both love and money, so I caution you to avoid making decisions in these areas while she is gone. I've listed some brief examples below of things to avoid:

  • Purchases of big-ticket items (house, car, appliances, etc.)
  • First dates, important relationship decisions, getting married or moving in together
  • Extreme changes in decoration, either in a home or business or in a person's wardrobe or hair
  • Starting a business

I urge Saturnian restraint in all of these areas, good people, as the Venus retrograde may cause you to regret those decisions if made during this period.

It's very important to understand that this is a time of re-evaluation in all personal and business relationships. What things, people, jobs, and styles are no longer serving you? Think carefully, but take no action immediately. 

Once Venus comes back to the office on November 16, you can solidify your plans, and if possible, wait until December 17 to implement them. If you can't wait that long, then at least Venus will be in direct motion after November 16.

One final important note: If you have any planets between 25 Libra and 10 Scorpio in your natal chart, these will be in the Venus retrograde zone. If you're not sure, ask your astrologer for some advice.

Our favorite astrology blogger has his natal Sun in that area, so I know he will be doing some careful consideration during this time. He's proven himself a worthy astrologer by passing his NCGR level one examination, so I have no doubt that he'll know what to do.

As always, I appreciate your attention. You will no doubt benefit from my sage wisdom. There is no reason to "freak out" as the youngsters say, but it is good to be aware of Venus retrograde's possible effects.

Very truly yours, 


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Sun Opposing Uranus: Expecting the Unexpected

Moon: Go on in, John...they'll see you now. [smiles]

John: Thank you, Lady Moon. You're positively beaming!

Moon: [grins] And you should be, too, for passing your astrology certification exam! That's quite an accomplishment.

John: I'll admit it wasn't easy, Lady Moon. I'm honored and humbled.

[enters office]

Sun: John! Come on in and sit down. [hands John a glass] Diet root beer, as I recall?

John: Thank you, sir. Luna has an excellent memory, doesn't she?

Sun: Cheeky already, I see. Excellent!

John: Is Uranus here or is he running late?

Uranus: [voice] I'm here!

John: I don't see you...where are you? [Turns around] What are you doing behind the door?

Uranus: Have you met me? Did you expect me to be just sitting in a chair like every other planet?

John: Fair enough. That's kind of what I wanted to talk to you both about anyway.

[Uranus sits down; the Sun sits directly across from him]

Sun: So how can we help you?

John: [sits down] So I just had a question. I found out last week that I passed my astrology certification exam.

Sun: I heard! Congratulations! Casting charts by hand isn't easy, is it?

John: Nope, it sure isn't. [drinks some soda]

Uranus: And yet it has value!

John: That's true, Uranus. But I looked at the chart for the date and time that it happened, and you were at 1 Taurus 37.

Uranus: [confused] what?

Sun: I think I can answer that. Wasn't I sitting at 1 Scorpio 37, John, when you were born? As I recall that was the moment.

John: Yes, sir. That's correct.

Uranus: Well I'll be damned! That explains a LOT, doesn't it? I opposed your natal Sun position. You know how rare that is?

John: I was just thinking that it's once or twice in a lifetime, right?

Sun: Yup. Urnie doesn't move fast enough for it to happen more than that.

Uranus: Hey now...I move pretty good for an older guy!

Sun: I can see you've come a long way in your studies, John. Good for you!

John: Far enough to see something this obvious, sir. But what I want to know from your rebellious charge here [gestures toward Uranus] is what is coming next. Can you tell me that?

Uranus: should I know?

John: Astrology exam results are one thing, but I have some other things in play. I'd love some more clarity. [finishes soda]

Uranus: Who do you think I am? Mercury?

Sun: I guess we'll just have to wait and see, John. Sorry.

Uranus: I'm not!

Moon: [from outside] Urnie, be nice! And John...don't leave that glass in his office, please.

John: [stands up and raising voice slightly] Yes, ma'am. I'll bring it to you on my way out.