
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Status Updates with the Sun and Moon

John: Good afternoon, Lady Moon!

Moon: Hello, John! Great to see you. I was wondering when you were going to turn up!

John: You should know I can’t stay away from you for long, young lady.

Moon: [beams] You are still a charmer! I sometimes wonder if you think about me at all with that Saturn-ruled Moon of yours.

John: Are you kidding me? I think about you all the time, Lady Moon. I just don’t let everyone else know that I do. But you know I do, and isn’t that what counts?

Moon: [sigh] I guess. Let’s head in because I’m trying to keep Sol on schedule today.

[Moon opens door into the Sun’s office]

Sun: John! Great to see you! [comes around desk and hugs John]

John: Hi there, boss! Happy to see me, huh?

Sun: Certainly. Always! I expected you months ago, but I know things are nuts in your little world. There’s a reason why Mercury and Jupiter are always watching your social media accounts!

John: Fair point, sir.

Sun: And I hear congratulations are in order! 30 years of astrology and tarot study. That’s impressive.

John: [nods his head] Thank you, sir. I’m humbled and honored.

Sun: Luna, would you close the door, please? And then come over and take your seat next to me.

[Moon closes the door behind them and sits near the Sun’s desk. The Sun returns behind his desk and sits down. John picks up cold diet root beer in front of his usual chair.]

John: So, how is everything going?

Moon: Well, I’d ask you the same question, young man. I’ve been a little worried about you!

John: Oh? Why is that?

Sun: We know that you don’t have a space in that lovely little town by the river anymore. Luna was telling me you did business there for what? 14 years?

[Luna nods]

John: Yes, sir. My professional practice started there.

Moon: And how are you feeling without space to read there anymore?

John: It was time for that part of my life to end, Lady Moon.

Sun: You sound more like Saturn all the time!

Moon: Sol, will you let the young man finish?

Sun: Sorry, Luna. [Pauses] Go ahead.

Moon: I’m sorry that you had to leave a place that was very comfortable for you. That must have been hard.

John: Yes, ma’am. In some ways it was, and it some ways it wasn’t.

Moon: You’re being evasive, John. You should know you can’t hide from me.

John: [blushes] Of course not, ma’am. But I meant what I said. I had a strong feeling the end was coming quite a while back, so it wasn’t truly a surprise. And I’m so busy already! It’s not like I needed more to do. I’m truly at peace with it.

Moon: [smiles] I’m glad to hear that.

Sun: Me too! Besides, you're reading at a great place closer to home anyway. 

John: So I know things never stop up here, but since I don’t come around as often as I would like…

Moon: Fishing expedition?

Sun: Luna, give the boy a chance to explain himself.

Moon: [slightly defensively] You already get all our meeting transcripts, John. I make sure of that.

John: No offense intended, Lady Moon. That’s not really what I meant. The planets haven’t met in a while so I feel sort of out of touch.

Sun: Yes, that’s true. We’re going to have to have another full meeting once Saturn comes back, Luna.

Luna: We’re on tap for after my full phase on September 14, Sol.

Sun: And we have some other things on the docket, too. [starts looking around his desk]

Luna: Yellow folder, Sol, on your left.

Sun: [pulls yellow file folder out from a letter tray] Ah yes. Here we are. [scans it briefly]. Yes, that meeting is coming up, actual date to be determined. I also have it on record that the benefics and malefics will have various meetings as well. Luna is on tap to record at least the benefics meeting; Jupiter has already requested help. I don’t know if Saturn is allowing Luna to attend the malefic meetings.

John: Are there any outstanding taskers for me?

Sun: Aren’t there always?

Luna: The first one is that I need to see pictures of your little Mia!

Sun: After we’re done, Luna, John can show you his extensive album of cat pictures. But yes, the planets have made various requests. Mercury is wondering about updated pricing information for you. Venus asked about your next vacation. Mars knows you’re…ummmm…doing well in the gym. I’ll say it that way, since I can't quite imitate his unique...speaking style. 

Luna: And Jen’s birthday is coming up! What are you doing for her? Something special, I expect?

Sun: Luna, can I please get the business out of the way before you start going off on emotional tangents?

Luna: [frowns] These are important things to ME, Sol. She is John’s Luna, so we need to show an interest.

Sun: As usual, Luna, you’re right. The other requests are standard: Uranus wants you to use your Instagram account, Jupiter asked about how your teaching is going, and Saturn is still waiting for a blog schedule.

John: Sounds like the usual stuff, boss. I promise to take care of the information requests when I can.

Sun: [smiles] Thanks! I appreciate it. Managing these planets is hard enough so the more you can keep them off my back…et cetera, et cetera.

John: I promise, sir.

Moon: Now, can we please see some cat pictures?

Sun: [throws up hands] Fuck it. John, take out your phone and show us the pictures or I won’t get a thing done today.

Moon: Those cats are adorable!