
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

3 Current Lessons from the Hanged Man

The Hanged Man from the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Deck
(Property of US Games, Inc.)

Does it feel like you’re not going anywhere for a while? Take a look at this guy. He’s in the same situation you are.

The Coronavirus has completely changed our daily lives and many of us find ourselves struggling to keep up with what is happening. Here are three lessons from the Hanged Man!

1)    Life in suspension

One of my first instincts with this card is to say, “I’d expect some delays in your plans.”

Suspension is the name of the game here. Our lives have been put on hold for now. Everything from the biggest sporting events to local and regional conferences aren’t happening. Event organizers have moved events or cancelled them outright. Governments have even temporarily suspended enforcement of certain laws; here in Virginia, you’ll have an extra 60 days to have your car inspected, for example.

Instead of lamenting the change in your calendar, use this time to your advantage by making time for the things within your span of control. I’m writing blogs, doing readings and charts for people via Zoom, and de-cluttering some areas of the house. Consider all those household projects you would do if you had time. Well…now you have time!

 2)   Sacrifice

When I draw this card for a client, sometimes the next question from me is, “What has to go?” It could be a relationship, friendship, job, or life situation that is no longer serving you.

All of us have given up a lot. I know folks who have had to change their wedding dates, high school seniors who have lost their last three months and all the associated activities they had been looking forward to, and countless astrology conferences, family events, and vacations—including my own 25th anniversary trip to Europe. And it’s not over; even once the restrictions end, people may prefer to avoid large-scale events for a while yet.

One thing to do is to consider the “why” of the whole thing. Why are we giving up these activities that made us happy or excited? Look past the regulations and imagine how you would feel if you carried an illness to a friend or family member who suffered or even died by attending an event that should have been cancelled. I’m not telling you the sacrifices won’t hurt a lot, but the alternative is a lot worse.

3)   Change in perspective

When you’re hanging upside down, you see the world in a unique way. Sometimes this card portends a significant shift in a client’s perspective. I’ll often say, “Is there a different way you could look at this problem or situation that might give you insights?”

Things appear quite differently than they did a month ago in our world! Admit it: You might not have ever considered your checkout clerk at the grocery store a hero, but there’s no doubt in my mind that they are now. Americans are rising to the occasion in unprecedented numbers, going to work to keep the rest of us healthy and safe. Neighbors are helping each other, and people are staying inside to minimize the spread of this disease—for the common good.

The virus gives us the opportunity to see things from a very unique perspective, one that we might not see again in our lifetimes. We are all receiving a lesson about who and what is important to us—the people we can’t touch, the co-workers we can’t talk to, and the normal, everyday activities that we can’t perform. Will we value these people and things more over the long haul once things return to normal? That’s really up to you.

If you have a tarot deck, take out the Hanged Man and put it somewhere you will see it every day as a reminder of these important lessons. And please know that you are not alone; reach out if you need help or just some human contact, and check in on each other.

We’re all in this together, good people. Hang in there!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

An Open Letter to Saturn by Holly Ross

Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to introduce astrologer Holly Ross, a 12 year astrology student and someone who I have the pleasure of teaching. This is her first astrology blog, and I'm so excited to have her guest blogging here at Metaphysical Meanderings!  Take it away, Holly!

“If you like it then you should have put a ring on it.” - Saturn


First, I need to apologize for the things I blamed on you that were actually Pluto. When he was disrupting and transforming my life - for the better I should add - your poor reputation made me think it was you. I frequently wondered what karma I had put out into the world that made me deserve any of the circumstances I was going through. As is normal with Pluto, the only way out is through. Having you strongly on my side is what gave me--and continues to give me--the perseverance to learn, grow, and come out the other side better than I was when everything started. Pluto and Saturn together might shake the foundations of life, but they put something stronger in place that could withstand anything. I can appreciate that now.

Ever since learning more about astrology I have been a strong supporter of you. I’m not being gushy in my love for you; that’s not our style. You are what turned me to astrology in the first place. I knew there were things going on in the universe and using them for proper timing would make my life easier. The only way to find the right door to walk through was to learn. I started with learning about my Saturn return because that was the supposedly scariest thing coming up. 

We can agree in my younger years I was impulsive. If it sounded like a good idea I would do it. We can both blame that on other planets, and a bit on choice. THis isn’t about them though. Every time I would do something I shouldn’t, you reminded me that karma can be swift. This kept me on the straight and narrow because I might be stubborn, but I’m a quick learner. I really think that’s why people give you a hard time. If they don’t learn, they repeat mistakes, and you probably let out a heavy sigh and make sure they face consequences. 

You were a supporter of mine before I was yours. In classical astrology, Aquarians are children of Saturn. Being told that I was radical, unique, and kept people on their toes never really quite felt entirely true. Yes, some of it is accurate in some ways. I have been told I don’t think like others. We are a dually ruled sign after all. An ever-stronger truth due to your placement in my life is that logic has ruled my life forever. Anytime I do something that seems out of left field for someone else it’s because they weren’t paying attention, or privy to my thought process. All decisions are well thought out, planned, and made with strategic future thinking in mind. That has always been true. You helped me hone that.

Since this is an Aquarian love note we’ll talk about the few nice things that you’ve given me. Obviously, you are swooning because there are bullet points. I know you love that.

  • Your placement gave me a good moral compass.
  • You gave me the ability to stick to my guns; to see things through no matter how tough they got.
  • When I set a goal, you give me the knowledge that my hard work WILL pay off.
  • I was able to buy a house because of you.
  • I met my husband in the most Saturn way.
  • I was able to get a job with great benefits that I enjoy because of my hard work and dedication.
  • You taught me maturity and gave me responsibility years before my peers.
  • You’ve taught me patience, something I sorely needed as a younger person.
  • You gave me a sense of duty to others - though that placement is with other planets as well. 
  • You give me integrity, and responsibility; the knowledge that if I get something, I come by it honestly. There are no hand outs and there is always a lesson to be learned from any difficult time.

This month you’re going to be joining your Aquarian children for a visit until July when you go back to the Capricorns. In December you’ll stay longer. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to it. When you were here in the early 90s I had a rough go of things. I think I learned the lessons thoroughly the last time; at least I hope I did. I know the planets are going to be in different places so maybe we’ll be able to relax a bit, not too much, and enjoy each other’s company more this time around. Maybe it’ll be a little easier now that I’m older, and gray--you like the gray, I can tell. I’m obviously a better person due to your influence. It’ll be hard work, but sometimes I like that… and really is it worth having if you didn’t work hard for it?!

Anyway, I’m pretty sure no one thanks you while they’re still alive, but that’s exactly what I’m doing. Thank you for being there for me. If I had not listened to you, none of this would have happened.



Thursday, March 19, 2020

An Interview with the Sun, Part 3

John: I don’t want to lose sight of my earlier point about the planets wearing clothes.

Sun: First of all, let’s be clear that we’re not running around naked in our daily lives. That might work for certain planets but there is no "clothing optional" policy at the office.

John: Right. I meant in the metaphorical sense.

Sun: Yes, of course. You must have the right outfit for the job. And sometimes with the planets it’s not always possible. But we work the best we can in whatever the uniform is, because for better or worse, the sign is how we have to do our jobs.

John: Let’s get down to it, then. What uniform or uniforms bring out your best?

Sun: My job is to shine, and as such, the sign of Leo brings out the most powerful energy I have. So when I wear my Leo suit—or dress, because let’s be honest, it’s 2020—my energy shines the most brightly.

John: That doesn’t surprise me somehow. In astrology speak, it means that you as a planet “rule” Leo, right?

Sun: Correct. The sign gets its signature style from me!

John: But there are 11 other signs. Speaking for those of us who are non-Leos, what are we supposed to do?

Sun: Well, if your Sun sign isn’t Leo, all it means is that the Sun’s energy may not shine as fully. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

John: That’s going to require some explanation, boss.

Sun: Absolutely! In Leo I shine the most powerfully. But remember that power cuts both ways. I can be at my most generous self, but it also means I can be extremely egotistical as well. It’s not always positive.

John: That sounds reasonable.

Sun: Think of it this way. On a cloudless day, you can tan, or you can burn. Sometimes both.

John: I think I can get behind that. Are there other suits of clothes in which you perform well?

Sun: In some ways, my Aries outfit is even better, because my energy is concentrated by willpower and drive, and when I’m there you can find some very motivated individuals. For the record, when I'm in Aries, I'm "exalted" or "in my exaltation". There’s less “burn” and a lot more of the positive stuff. But astrologers will argue about that, too. 

John: Astrologers, I have found, will argue about pretty much anything.

Sun: [beams] Age is bringing you wisdom, I see! Thankfully you're not asking me about the various house systems. [frowns] You're not going to ask me about that, right? That's a painful subject even for astrologers!

John: No, I have no intention of asking you about that.

Sun: [exhales] Phew. 

John: Now we know Leo and Aries are your two preferred signs or "outfits". There are 10 signs left, as you know. Are we out of luck? Because you're not going to tell me and my Scorpio sun friends that we're not powerful!

Sun: Don’t be ridiculous! Of course not. But we should talk about the signs where I struggle, too, for the whole picture.

John: And those would be…?

Sun: Aquarius is one, because Aquarius folks would rather deal with people in groups rather than individuals. It makes it hard to shine on an individual level. And for similar reasons, I struggle in Libra, too, because they see so much of themselves through other people. They’re always looking to pair up so the “individual” can get lost there, too.

John: The Sun is still out with both signs, but it’s behind clouds?

Sun: Yes! Excellent analogy. The individual can shine, of course, but it requires more or different effort.

John: I find it interesting that you struggle in a sign that is in the autumn, when your power is starting to wane.

Sun: You noticed that, huh? Good catch. When I am in Libra, I’m in “fall”. That’s an astrological term for that particular condition.

John: Wait a second. We call the autumn the “fall” because…your power starts to diminish at that time of year?

Sun: Correct. And in the winter, during Aquarius, it’s where I am the least powerful since the days are so short. Astrologers call that condition “detriment”.

John: I’m sure my readers will get the concept. They may be new at this, but they pick up fast. [Pauses] I was thinking about my next question…

Sun: We’re getting to about the end of our time, John. Luna will ping me any second…

[speaker buzzes]

Moon: Sorry to interrupt you, Sol. Your next appointment is here. I’ve built in a few extra minutes, but don’t talk John’s ear off all day.

Sun: [grimaces] Yes, Luna. I just told him we have time for one more question.

Moon: Very good, sir. Finish up, John! He’s on a tight schedule.

John: [toward speaker] Yes, ma'am. He promised me one more and I'm making good on that promise. 

Sun: You heard the lady, John. Make it a good one!

John: Yes, sir. Is there a term for this idea that planets may perform better in some signs more than others?

Sun: Astrologers call it “rulership” or “dignity”, although that second term causes friction in some corners.

John: Great. Can we recap?

Sun: [sighs] That’s a second question. You’ve got maybe 30 seconds before that door opens.

John: Your job is to shine in whatever sign you happen to be in. You’re our overall personality, our ego, and who we’re trying to become, right?

Sun: Yes indeed.

John: And each sign is kind of like a costume or a suit of clothes, some which are better suited to you than others. In your case, your preferred signs are Leo and Aries, and you have to work harder in Libra and Aquarius.

Sun: Precisely. I would add one thing in your notes.

John: Yes, boss?

Sun: “All planets serve the Sun.” Make sure you write that down, in big letters so even you can read it. [looks over at John’s iPad] Your wife wasn’t kidding about your “serial killer” handwriting, I see. I hope this interview comes out OK.

John: “All planets serve the Sun.” Got it. [puts iPad away] Thanks for your time, sir. I’ll be in touch. [rises and heads for the door]

Sun: [pushes intercom button]. Luna, what’s next on my schedule?

Moon: Discussion of the communication plan for the Coronavirus, sir.

Sun: [under his breath] If people haven’t heard that message by now, humanity is truly fucked.

Moon: Muttering profanity again, sir?

Sun: [sighs] It’s nothing, Luna. Please send them in. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

An Interview with the Sun, Part 1

John: Hi everyone! John here with the beginning of the interviews with planets. And what better place to start on a Sunday with the most important of the astrological planets, the Sun!

Sun: Greetings, John. Happy to be here!

John: I've got a group of readers who are new to the astrological world in general, and as we discussed, they want to understand what the team does on a very basic level. So thanks for agreeing to do this for us. I know you're really busy!

Sun: It's my pleasure, John. I want to make sure that your readers have a more solid understanding of what we're all about. 

John: Let's start with you. What would you say your job is?

Sun: Well, I'm the primary life force, and I'm one of the most important parts of the western astrological system. I'm one of the "luminaries", the "lights" of the astrological world, along with Lady Moon, of course. I'm a powerful force to help you manifest yourself and your personal influence in this world. You can think of me as "the face you show to the world."

John: Excellent points, sir. Can you talk a little bit about what sun sign astrology is and why it's so popular?

Sun: Absolutely! Sun sign astrology is knowing a person's birth date and some of the possible traits that might be in a given personality based on that alone. People just ask "What's your sign?" but what they're really asking is "What is your Sun sign?" It's fun and a lot of people enjoy seeing how a person fits--or doesn't--with some of the standard Sun sign characteristics. It's popular because generally speaking people can figure out what their sun sign is pretty easily, except if their close to the end of a sign, of course. 

John: Yes, certainly. I remember reading my own horoscope in the newspaper many years ago and it was one of the things that fascinated me growing up. Why is it important to check things out if you're born close to the end or beginning of a sign?

Sun: What a lot of people don't know is that astrology really is "sacred geometry"! Astrology is a wheel and there are 360 degrees in that wheel. Each sign gets one equal part of that wheel--30 degrees--so when I move from one sign into another, it's one SECOND to the next, and it's not always on the same day, either. It's moving from 29 degrees 59 minutes of one sign to 0 degrees of the next sign. 

John: Hmmmm. Geometry has given lots of my readers fits. How about an example?

Sun: Certainly! So Pisces is almost over now, right? And if you look up the dates of the signs, normally Pisces ends around March 17 or so. If I look at where I am at this very moment, I'm at 25 Pisces 34 minutes right now. There are 60 minutes in a degree, so we're at about 25 and a half degrees of Pisces. 

John: Makes sense. 

Sun: All the planets move different speeds. Luckily, I'm the easiest one to track. There are 360 degrees in a circle and 365 degrees in a year. So while I don't want to force your readers to do math...

John: That's about 1 degree a day, right?

Sun: Precisely. So we have about 4 and a half days left before I move into Aries. Incidentally, when the weather forecasters say when spring is, that's the moment that I move into Aries. They don't TELL you that, of course...but that's what it is. 

John: So when is that exactly in 2020?

Sun: Well, let's appears I will enter Aries 11:49:29am EDT on March 19. Your readers can pull a chart and look at exactly when it will happen. It's not a's a time defined by geometry. 

John: I'll include one in this post for them to refer to, boss. No problem there.

Sun: Excellent. That will probably help people understand it.

John: I've met some people in my practice who thought they were one Sun sign their whole lives, but realized they were actually another!

Sun: It's wonderful that you were able to do that. We don't want people thinking they are something they're not. 

John: Yes! So before we go any further, I'd like to bring a question to you that I often have to answer for people, if you would indulge me...

Sun: I agreed to these interviews, John, because I thought you would asking intelligent questions for your audience. You're not going to ask me that question, are you?

John: Boss, as much as it pains me, I am indeed going to ask you that question. This is a good opportunity to get people the answer, because people are still asking.

Sun: [sigh] Go ahead, then. Hopefully it will educate a few more people. 

John: Please tell us why there isn't a 13th sign. 

Sun: Well, the geometry alone gives you the answer--we can't divide 13 evenly into 360! But I will elaborate so everyone may finally know the reason. 

John: I thank you for your patience. Go on, please.

Sun: Western astrology is based on the seasons--Aries in the spring, Libra in the fall, and all the other signs fall into place between them. Vedic astrology, a totally different but valid astrological system, uses the constellations, which have moved over time and created a space. As such, they filled that space with a 13th sign, called Opichucus, which is a ridiculous name. And then they went and told everyone the signs had all changed. My team should have done an awareness campaign at that time; it probably would have avoided some confusion. 

John: So could you bottom line it for me, please? 

Sun: In western astrology, there is no 13th sign. Your Sun sign has not changed! At all.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

An Interview with the Sun, Part 2

John: Moving on, then. You say that you’re the face that people show the world. How do we know what that “face” is like?

Sun: That’s a more complex question than you might think, but I’ll put it in very generic terms.

John: That would be great!

Sun: In astrology, the planets, me, Lady Moon, all of us—we are the “what” of astrology. In other words, we each have a job.

John: Sounds simple enough.

Sun: Remember I said earlier that people know what their “Sun sign” is? And how each one has certain characteristics?

John: Yes, of course.

Sun: The 12 astrological signs are the “how”. They show the way—the “style” if you will—in which the planet does its job.

John: Almost like a suit of clothes, right?

Sun: Absolutely. Just like that! And that sign can tell you a lot about the “face” that you’re going to present to the world.

John: I think my readers will be able to understand that easily. But I find that certain types of clothing suit me better than others. Is that true for the planets?

Sun: Well…we don’t want to get too far ahead, John. I love your enthusiasm, though!

John: But it is true that planets perform…ummm, more effectively in certain signs?

Sun: Yes, that is true for certain. But let’s not dig in too far, shall we?

John: I’m going to want to come back to that concept. But if we sidestep that for now…each style, each sign, is going to show the world a different…face?

Sun: Precisely. And that’s where the basic traits of the signs come in. Many people know their Sun sign’s basic traits. But that is not to say that a person who is a particular sun sign will manifest some or all of them, or to what degree.

John: So, I’m a Sun sign Scorpio. What “face” am I showing to the world?

Sun: [holds up a hand] Hold up just one moment, first. We need to make sure people understand something.

John: And that would be…?

Sun: While you are born under a given Sun sign, it’s not really who you “are” per se. It is who you are supposed to BECOME.

John: That’s going to be a shock to many readers. To restate it, if I understand you correctly, I’m supposed to become a Scorpio in this life?

Sun: Yes, that’s right. Ideally, you will spend this lifetime trying to become the positive qualities of Scorpio.

John: Fascinating. If I’m becoming my Sun sign, as I grow into that sign, what do I call myself?

Sun: You’re still a Scorpio, but as a child you might not show many Scorpio characteristics. As a child you are typically your Moon sign. And also, please remember that some people NEVER evolve into their Sun sign. They get stuck and don’t develop along the right paths.

John: That’s going to melt a few brain cells, boss.

Sun: I understand. But I had to get that out there. Once you interview Lady Moon it should make more sense.

John: We will definitely come back to that when we interview Lady Moon, but as you say, let’s not go too far afield. I’m a Sun sign Scorpio and let’s assume that I have successfully evolved into my Sun sign. What will the world see?  

Sun: Generally, Scorpio is an intense personality. That sign is known for its association with life and death, topics that are very serious to you. Scorpio people are usually incredibly devoted to any person, cause, or idea that they embrace, but likely there will be precious few of those. On the more “shadow” side of the sign, Scorpio folks can be very angry when provoked—I’ve heard you call it “Scorpio nuclear” before—and vengeful as well.

John: I’d say that’s all true about me. I’ve moved away from the angry and vengeful part, and I can’t remember the last time I went Scorpio nuclear.

Sun: Good! Then likely your evolution is going well.

John: Let me recap to make sure I didn’t miss anything. We become our Sun signs, right? And that sign is the face we show to the world?

Sun: Yes, indeed. That’s why it forms the underpinning of western astrology.

John: And each sign is like a style or a suit of clothes that we’re born with?

Sun: Exactly. It is far from the entire picture but knowing the Sun sign is a good start with knowing someone on an astrological level. And while we don’t want to assume too much, the sign traits can give you an idea of where to begin when it comes to the person. But I will repeat this again: The Sun sign is a small but significant piece of the overall horoscope, so it is vital to not generalize.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Sun Moon Midpoint: Mandatory Planetary Interviews

Sun: Anything else on my calendar today, Luna?

Moon: No appointments, Sol, but a reminder that we have to get that email out about the interviews. You've been avoiding it and you told John he could start them when Mercury gets back. 

Sun: Shit. I do still have to do that, don't I?

Moon: [nods] 

Sun: When does his retrograde end?

Moon: Next Monday. And you can't put it off again. 

Sun: [sigh] I guess not. Are you ready?

Moon: Yes. [produces notebook and pen] Would you like to dictate it to me?

Sun: OK. Here we go. "Dear esteemed colleagues, with the rise in interest in studying us among the millenial generation, coupled with the use and accessibility of portable technology, we stand at the precipice of an astrological renaissance."

Moon: [writing] Got it, Sol. Continue. 

Sun: "In spite of the rapid rise in interest in astrology, there are still many who do not understand the basic nature of who we are, our roles in astrology, and the major themes or disciplines we represent in the lives of millions."

Moon: [writing] That's very nice. Go on!

Sun: "To ensure that this incredible passion for astrology continues into future generations, we must take bold steps to go where no planets have gone before." 

Moon: No, Sol. You can't grab something from Star Trek.

Sun: It's not an exact quote, Luna.

Moon: And it doesn't make any sense at all! We're already up here and we've been here for quite a while already. We're not going anywhere. So that's a big fat no.

Sun: But I really like it!

Moon: It just feels wrong. Fix it. And you know what Mercury would say..."You're addicted to your own prose!"

Sun: FINE. [thinks]  "To ensure that this incredible passion for astrology continues into future generations, we must take bold steps to win the hearts and minds of all people regardless of age."

Moon: Have you been reading the military history books again? "Hearts and minds"? This isn't a WAR.

Sun: [frowns] "I have a dream that we can ensure... astrological knowledge and research for generations to come."

Moon: Now you want to plagiarize Dr. Martin Luther King? Did you not think about this at all?

Sun: [glowers] This is harder than it looks!

Moon: [sets down pen and paper] You need to just speak from your heart. You can't be anyone else!

Sun: I'm not sure what you mean.

Moon: Use your own words! Copying others is so trite! If you keep going down this road no one is going to pay attention. What are you going to do next...start out with "Ask not what your astrological planets can do for you..."? Or even "Vive l'astrologie libre!" That's all too contrived!

Sun: Writing sounds easy, Luna. But it's not my forte at all. 

Moon: [pause] Then why didn't you ask me for help?

Sun: I don't have a reasoned answer to that question.

Moon: Well, let me answer it for you. It's your ego, Sol. You need to learn to delegate more effectively and give these tasks to someone on your team.  

Sun: Like who?

Moon: [glowers at the Sun]

Sun: I guess I could have asked you...

Moon: [picks up pen and notebook again] You just did, Sol. Thank you for your trust and confidence in me! Give me just a moment. [spends about a minute scribbling notes] OK. Want to hear what I've come up with?

Sun: Ummm, sure.

Moon:  "Dear esteemed colleagues, with the rise in interest in studying us among the millenial generation, coupled with the use and accessibility of portable technology, we stand at the precipice of an astrological renaissance. In spite of the rapid rise in interest in astrology, there are still many who do not understand the basic nature of who we are, our roles in astrology, and the major themes or disciplines we represent in the lives of millions.  As such, our favorite blogger John has asked us to provide unique insights into our job functions and the various themes we represent. He will interview each of us in turn to support our public relations efforts, as many have expressed an interest in understanding us more deeply. You will make yourselves available to him at your earliest convenience, and participation is mandatory. Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation in this extremely important endeavor! Regards, [signature]."

Sun: Wow. That's amazing. Straight from the heart. 

Moon: That's why you keep me around, Sol. 

Sun: Why did you say it was mandatory?

Moon: Because, dear leader, you know half of them are going to try to get out of it. Especially Jupiter.

Sun: That's true, Luna. 

Moon: Any other feedback?

Sun: No. That's excellent work, Luna. 

Moon: I thought you might say that, boss. Maybe in the future you could see your way clear to delegating more effectively? You'll feel better. 

Sun: Yes, ma'am. I will be guided by you in this. 

Moon: [beams] Excellent. Now it's time for you to head home. I'll make sure this email goes out before I leave today.