
Friday, September 14, 2012

Tarot Card Scammers Alert!

A California woman was recently talked out of $5,000 of her hard-earned money that she was planning on investing in a new business by a tarot card reader. Check out the video interview and article here.

Many of you who read this blog regularly consult metaphysical professionals, which may include tarot card readers, astrologers, psychics of various kinds (like mediums), and energy healers (like Reiki masters). It's become very common for many people to do so, and on the whole, I think that's a good thing.

With that said, it is incredibly important to use good  judgment when selecting such a person. I've blogged before about how many skilled, well-intentioned metaphysical professionals there are out there, and that they get a bad rap. This man, this "Don Luis" who stole this lady's money, is one of the many reasons why people are skeptical of us and routinely question our integrity and ethics.

People who take advantage like this piss me off to no end, but it's even more abhorrent to me when it has a negative impact on my own business, not just financially but personally. It's so hard to earn a good reputation, and for some asshole I don't even know to jeopardize my work just makes me mad.

While I don't want to be too hard on the victim, in the video you'll hear her say that it didn't feel right to her to give this man her money. She should have listened to her gut and said "No, thank you." And while your gut will lead you in the right direction, my beloved said it best: "Don't ignore your intuition, but also use common sense!" I couldn't agree more.

Anyway, it looks like it's time for a reminder of what to look for when selecting a metaphysical services provider:

1) Code of Ethics--Do they have one? Is it posted someplace, either in their shop or online? You can see mine at under "Code of Ethics".

2) Certifications, relevant training, or other qualifications--Does this person belong to any organizations or have any certificates of relevant training? There are organizations for everything. For example, I'm a Certified Tarot Master and if you contact the Tarot Certification Board of America, they'll tell you that. I'm also a member of the American Tarot Association, and as a member I have to abide by their code of ethics, which is the basis for my own.

3) Length of time practicing and testimonials--How long has this person been in business? Are they willing to tell you what others have said about their services? Would they be willing to let you talk to one of their current clients? If they haven't been around long or are leery of talking about satisfied customers, there may be a problem. In my case, I have plenty of people who I would refer you to.

4)  A personal recommendation--This is VERY important to me. I want to patronize metaphysical services providers that I either know personally or know about through someone else. Advertising means nothing in this business; if you have a loyal following, you don't need to advertize. I am automatically way of folks who advertize too much anyway. Ask around; you would be surprised about what you can learn when you open your mouth.

5) Posted services and prices per service--These should be available from the provider or online. Make sure that the provider tells you in advance what you are going to pay, and what you will receive. Don't wait until the end to know how much you're going to pay; the provider should set your expectations accordingly.

6) Words to watch for--The biggest one is "curse". They love to say that you're cursed, or that your home is, your family, whatever. You're not cursed. Walk out the door at that point and don't come back. This is the same if you have someone offering to "cast spells" for you for a price as well. If they do or say anything that puts them in control of you, your time, or your money, then end it. 

The bottom line: If you feel like something is wrong, it probably is. If you want to stop a service in progress, tell the provider--ideally you haven't paid them yet--walk out, don't go back, and if you question this person's practices, call the police and tell your friends. Don't be afraid of hurting someone's feelings if you get a bad vibe off a provider. You need to protect yourself first. 

A number of people who should know better have fallen victims to these crooks, and the only way to beat them is by educating customers. Don't make yourself a victim, no matter how nice they may seem.

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