Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Deck Review: Mythic Tarot

Mythic Tarot

If the Tarot is “all Greek” to you, then you’ll love this deck, which is based on Greek mythology. It is a standard 78-card deck whose imagery is loosely based on that of the Rider-Waite.

I owned this deck once before and lost it somehow, probably in one of my many moves. I purchased it again and I’m very glad I did.

Actually, I originally bought this deck as a way to bone up on my Greek myths, very similar to what I did with the Arthurian Tarot. A basic knowledge of Greek mythology is helpful, but not required; the book that comes in this set does an excellent job of giving you the background and how it relates to the Tarot.

Each of the Major Arcana have one or more gods and goddesses on them. For example, the Emperor is Zeus, the ultimate male authority figure in Greek mythology, while the Lovers card features Paris having to judge a beauty contest between Hera, mother of the Gods; Athena, Goddess of Wisdom; and Aphrodite, Goddess of Love. Talk about a tough choice! Paris’ choice of Aphrodite ultimately starts the Trojan War when Aphrodite gives Paris his prize for picking her, the beautiful Helen of Troy.

Each set of pips of each suit of the Minor Arcana tells its own story. In the suit of Wands, for example, we see important events from the story of Jason as he goes on his quest for the Golden Fleece.

The Court Cards of each suit have famous Greek mythological figures to round out the deck. However, the names of the deities and figures does not appear on the cards themselves. I’m of two minds about that. It makes them a little more difficult to learn initially, but at the same time, the name does not draw the Reader’s attention away from the imagery either.

All of the cards are labeled with the name of the card in black print at the top. That way you don’t have to count how many of a particular suit are in the picture.

The backs are a dark blue with a rectangle border of a Greek urn pattern with a few magickal symbols.

There are so many excellent cards in this deck it would be hard for me to choose just one. I happen to like The Star card in this deck very much. The image is that of Pandora (of Pandora’s box fame). She kneels before the box after it has been opened to watch what comes out of it. She is nude and looks very innocent. It shows that inspiration can be a dangerous thing depending on what it inspires us to do.

If you like Greek mythology and are new to the Tarot, I’d recommend this as a starting Tarot deck as well.

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