Thursday, September 6, 2018

3 Ways to End Things Using Saturn

Saturn finally went direct! And while it might not seem like it...there was much rejoicing! 

His energy will produce new opportunities for growth in our lives and in our careers. But we can't take advantage of new opportunities without ending others. 

One of the best ways to use Saturn's energy is to establish boundaries in your life. Of those many guidelines you establish for yourself, very few are more important than deciding when you've had enough...of a course of study, a job, a relationship, or even a way of doing things. 

Tonight I'd like to talk about three ways to know when it's time to move on using different life areas.

1) What was your original educational goal? Has it been achieved?

We all start out thinking we know what the goal is. When we start a course of study, for example, we have certain expectations of what we expect to learn, how long it will take, what it will cost, and its long-term impact. It's time to see how far you are toward that goal, and if it is still relevant to you. 

I'll use my wife Jen as an example. She takes pottery classes every semester they're offered. She's loving every minute of it and improving her ability every semester. Clearly, the time and money are not wasted, and I now have amazing works of art all over my house, which makes me really happy. 

Education takes a lot of effort. If you feel like the path you've gone down is now a waste of resources--time, money, or energy--then it's time to re-evaluate whether or not you should continue. 

2) Is a particular relationship serving you?

I know how that question sounds, but every relationship you have should have a benefit to you. It can be as simple as, "I like this person's company!" or "I learn a lot from them" or "We have fun together."

But if you're in a relationship that is not serving you, or if you haven't ended it due to what I call "emotional blackmail" ("If I try to end this relationship, the other person will be angry with me"), then it's time to really examine the relationship and ask yourself if it's worth it. It may be that its time has passed and you have to be the person to say, "I'm sorry, but it's over."

The "breakup talk", whether it's with a friend or a romantic partner, is never easy. But with Saturn moving direct, now may be a good time to plan your exit. 

3) Is your job affecting your attitude?

Every job has its good and bad days, and there are jobs where the best you can do is cope. But this is where your ability to put up boundaries is important. Are you taking the stress home with you? How much time are you bitching/venting about your boss or co-workers? Are you working longer hours on nights or weekends with no compensation? 

If you are, it's time to set some boundaries. Leave on time. Don't give more of your time away for free. And stop thinking about work on your own time. A former colleague once asked me, "Why do you let them rent space in your head?"

Saturn is a career planet. He's moving forward now, so if you find yourself in one of the aforementioned situations, start examining your options.

As an important aside, Venus goes retrograde on October 5. That will be a time of re-evaluation. So it's time to make sure you know where you're going. By November 16th you should be ready to end a few more things and begin some new ones. 

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