Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tarot Blog Hop--Pentacles: Fruits of the Harvest

Hello everyone...and blessed Lammas to all of you! Hopefully you're coming from Donnaleigh's blog. :)

Lammas is about the first harvest, the idea that we are starting to see the fruits of our labor. I've picked the Seven of Pentacles for this particular blog. This card often comes up when people are starting to assess what is going on, and step back to admire their handiwork. It's also a great time for a course correction; sometimes the things we see "growing" in our lives are not what we want, so we take the time to fix them.

Nearly two weeks ago, I was at work minding my own business and lost control of my legs due to a back problem. Talk about a course correction! I can walk again now, but it's slow going...and I frequently get tired. It's frustrating, but you know, I'm very happy to be able to walk again! I definitely took that ability for granted. But the fruits of the labor--the walking slowly, the using handrails on stairs, resting when I need to--are starting to show, and I'm less tired and more comfortable standing than I was a week ago. My body is taking the time it needs to heal. I'm making another course correction with a new diet plan, hoping to take some of strain off my back; the doctors say that's what will help me the most. But I definitely don't want this to happen again, so it's time for change. That's one of the great things about this card; it's a seven, so whatever we're dealing with is not over yet. You've still got time for a positive outcome. If you don't like what you see, you still have the ability to make changes so your goals can still be met.

This card also epitomizes one of the most difficult realities as a professional reader: Many people fear change, and as such may not be open to the message of change that is part of many tarot readings. It's hard for me to see people come back time and time again with the same concern, only to have the cards provide the same message as last time. In many ways, a good tarot reading is a "checkup". It tells you where you are and if you need to make changes to get the results you seek. So to me, just the act of having a tarot reading--or a psychic reading, rune casting, etc.--represents the Seven of Pentacles. It's your time to step back and evaluate what's happening. Of course, it's up to you to make the changes to be successful, and unless you're ready to embrace change, likely you will have difficulty meeting your goals. I'll admit that I shake my head sometimes and say, "So be it," when I see people refusing to make change. But I can't let my ego get involved and say to clients, "If you'd just to what I'd tell you, your life would be perfect!" Each person must make that decision for himself or herself.

Here's one way to consider change that may make you less hesitant: Think of it as "evolution". Just the word CHANGE makes people run for the hills. But as a Scorpio, I'm a transformation expert. One of the best aspects of my sun sign is the ability to grow and evolve to meet challenges. Life is always changing and nothing is permanent. The Seven of Pentacles is a good reminder of this idea. Sometimes we're surprised by life events--like I was with my back a few weeks ago!--but sometimes we know the score and we resist making necessary adjustments. Like many people, I'm not thrilled when I have to change--especially when it means I have to stop doing something I like--but what's better in the long-term is what it's all about. Change is growth, and we should always be striving for growth and to be just that tiniest bit better--physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

So Lammas is about seeing the fruits of your labor, and it's great when everything is coming up roses. I hope that's true in your life. But if it's not, then the more serious question really becomes, "Are you willing to make changes to achieve your goals?" I throw out this challenge to you this Lammas, and wish you the blessings of the Lord and Lady as you grow.

Thanks for stopping by! Please make sure to visit Chloe's blog, the next stop on the blog hop!

[You can find a master list of all the blogs in the hop here!]


  1. Excellent. And good for you for changing things to make your back better. Scary to lose mobility!

  2. I was definitely scared, Arwen! And there's nothing like a scare to make you re-evaluate. :)

  3. Glad you're on the mend and it's wonderful to see your positivity :)

  4. And sometimes, willing or not, changes are thrust upon you that force a new way of doing things. I speak from recent experience. :P Glad you are mobile again.

  5. That must have been absolutely terrifying when your back affected your ability to walk - very glad to read that you're on the mend.

    Evolution is a much better word than change, because it implies that forwards is the only way to go!

    Keep well!

  6. The 7/Pentacles is a great choice for contemplating taking stock and opportunity of change at this time of year. Glad to hear you can move again..sending more healing vibes your way! ;)

  7. Ania, thanks for stopping by! I try to stay positive; there's enough negativity out there already. :)

  8. Koneta, I find that I am more likely to embrace change if I think I have a choice about it. :) Thanks for stopping in!

  9. Alison, it was definitely terrifying! I am glad just to be able to walk again...and it forces you to look at the world differently. :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  10. Hi CosmicFaery...thanks so much for the good wishes. I'm blessed to have people great people in my life who helped me when this happened, and so many more to want to send positive energy and healing my way. I appreciate it so much! :)

  11. Great question "Are you ready to make changes?"

  12. Wow! It is so interesting when a tarot card fits a personal situation so profoundly. It is great that you can find the spiritual message in such a scary physical issue. Best wishes on your well-being@

  13. Hi Johnnie,
    Seems like you're a "let's make lemonade" type guy - good for you :) Glad to hear you're on the mend, and rethinking things to improve the future. I often forget this aspect of the Seven of Pents, seeing just the putting in hard work and having to wait for results sides to it - a great reminder that we need to check where we are before figuring out where to head next!
    Best wishes, Chloƫ

  14. Thanks for stopping by, Claire-Marie!

  15. Thanks for the well-wishes, Christiana! Other than being a little impatient for a full recovery I am doing very well, thank you. :)

  16. Hi Chloe...thanks so much for your comment! I am a big fan of the "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", and the one I often quote is "Begin with the end in mind." :)

  17. First, well done for the lifestyle changes - as you say, life is an evolution of its own kind and we must allow ourselves to unfold.

    I can totally relate to your blog right now as my life has, and is, going through its own changes and my own evolution is unfolding before me. I love your interpretation of the 7 Pentacles and fully intend to study it further.

    Gratitude for your insightful blog.

    Brightest Blessings - FS xx

  18. Thanks for stopping by, FS, and good luck with your evolution! :)
