Thursday, March 19, 2020

An Interview with the Sun, Part 3

John: I don’t want to lose sight of my earlier point about the planets wearing clothes.

Sun: First of all, let’s be clear that we’re not running around naked in our daily lives. That might work for certain planets but there is no "clothing optional" policy at the office.

John: Right. I meant in the metaphorical sense.

Sun: Yes, of course. You must have the right outfit for the job. And sometimes with the planets it’s not always possible. But we work the best we can in whatever the uniform is, because for better or worse, the sign is how we have to do our jobs.

John: Let’s get down to it, then. What uniform or uniforms bring out your best?

Sun: My job is to shine, and as such, the sign of Leo brings out the most powerful energy I have. So when I wear my Leo suit—or dress, because let’s be honest, it’s 2020—my energy shines the most brightly.

John: That doesn’t surprise me somehow. In astrology speak, it means that you as a planet “rule” Leo, right?

Sun: Correct. The sign gets its signature style from me!

John: But there are 11 other signs. Speaking for those of us who are non-Leos, what are we supposed to do?

Sun: Well, if your Sun sign isn’t Leo, all it means is that the Sun’s energy may not shine as fully. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

John: That’s going to require some explanation, boss.

Sun: Absolutely! In Leo I shine the most powerfully. But remember that power cuts both ways. I can be at my most generous self, but it also means I can be extremely egotistical as well. It’s not always positive.

John: That sounds reasonable.

Sun: Think of it this way. On a cloudless day, you can tan, or you can burn. Sometimes both.

John: I think I can get behind that. Are there other suits of clothes in which you perform well?

Sun: In some ways, my Aries outfit is even better, because my energy is concentrated by willpower and drive, and when I’m there you can find some very motivated individuals. For the record, when I'm in Aries, I'm "exalted" or "in my exaltation". There’s less “burn” and a lot more of the positive stuff. But astrologers will argue about that, too. 

John: Astrologers, I have found, will argue about pretty much anything.

Sun: [beams] Age is bringing you wisdom, I see! Thankfully you're not asking me about the various house systems. [frowns] You're not going to ask me about that, right? That's a painful subject even for astrologers!

John: No, I have no intention of asking you about that.

Sun: [exhales] Phew. 

John: Now we know Leo and Aries are your two preferred signs or "outfits". There are 10 signs left, as you know. Are we out of luck? Because you're not going to tell me and my Scorpio sun friends that we're not powerful!

Sun: Don’t be ridiculous! Of course not. But we should talk about the signs where I struggle, too, for the whole picture.

John: And those would be…?

Sun: Aquarius is one, because Aquarius folks would rather deal with people in groups rather than individuals. It makes it hard to shine on an individual level. And for similar reasons, I struggle in Libra, too, because they see so much of themselves through other people. They’re always looking to pair up so the “individual” can get lost there, too.

John: The Sun is still out with both signs, but it’s behind clouds?

Sun: Yes! Excellent analogy. The individual can shine, of course, but it requires more or different effort.

John: I find it interesting that you struggle in a sign that is in the autumn, when your power is starting to wane.

Sun: You noticed that, huh? Good catch. When I am in Libra, I’m in “fall”. That’s an astrological term for that particular condition.

John: Wait a second. We call the autumn the “fall” because…your power starts to diminish at that time of year?

Sun: Correct. And in the winter, during Aquarius, it’s where I am the least powerful since the days are so short. Astrologers call that condition “detriment”.

John: I’m sure my readers will get the concept. They may be new at this, but they pick up fast. [Pauses] I was thinking about my next question…

Sun: We’re getting to about the end of our time, John. Luna will ping me any second…

[speaker buzzes]

Moon: Sorry to interrupt you, Sol. Your next appointment is here. I’ve built in a few extra minutes, but don’t talk John’s ear off all day.

Sun: [grimaces] Yes, Luna. I just told him we have time for one more question.

Moon: Very good, sir. Finish up, John! He’s on a tight schedule.

John: [toward speaker] Yes, ma'am. He promised me one more and I'm making good on that promise. 

Sun: You heard the lady, John. Make it a good one!

John: Yes, sir. Is there a term for this idea that planets may perform better in some signs more than others?

Sun: Astrologers call it “rulership” or “dignity”, although that second term causes friction in some corners.

John: Great. Can we recap?

Sun: [sighs] That’s a second question. You’ve got maybe 30 seconds before that door opens.

John: Your job is to shine in whatever sign you happen to be in. You’re our overall personality, our ego, and who we’re trying to become, right?

Sun: Yes indeed.

John: And each sign is kind of like a costume or a suit of clothes, some which are better suited to you than others. In your case, your preferred signs are Leo and Aries, and you have to work harder in Libra and Aquarius.

Sun: Precisely. I would add one thing in your notes.

John: Yes, boss?

Sun: “All planets serve the Sun.” Make sure you write that down, in big letters so even you can read it. [looks over at John’s iPad] Your wife wasn’t kidding about your “serial killer” handwriting, I see. I hope this interview comes out OK.

John: “All planets serve the Sun.” Got it. [puts iPad away] Thanks for your time, sir. I’ll be in touch. [rises and heads for the door]

Sun: [pushes intercom button]. Luna, what’s next on my schedule?

Moon: Discussion of the communication plan for the Coronavirus, sir.

Sun: [under his breath] If people haven’t heard that message by now, humanity is truly fucked.

Moon: Muttering profanity again, sir?

Sun: [sighs] It’s nothing, Luna. Please send them in. 

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