Monday, May 18, 2020

Interview with Venus, Part 8

John: We’ve talked about you a lot, and I can’t thank you enough for your candor. My readers will truly benefit.


Venus: Thank you. I’m honored. [beams] Any chance there are more cookies left?


John: [produces box] Certainly. [consults iPad notes] To finish out, we still need to talk about your favorite signs.


Venus: Of course! These are Taurus and Libra! I rule them both and I always have.


John: No modern planet has taken either of them from you? In other words, those two signs have always belonged to you.


Venus: [flat tone] Yes, they’ve always been mine. And no astrologer had better try to take one of my signs, unless they want to see a very pointed example of a woman scorned! My retrogrades will look like a damn picnic!


John: I’m hoping that doesn’t ever happen. [pauses] So tell me about Taurus.


Venus: Ah yes…the hobbits of the Zodiac! You won’t find a better group of foodies around. They have very sensitive palates, and they make excellent wedding planners and food critics! Then there’s the ultimate question for Taurus: “Food or sex?”


John: So…what is the answer?


Venus: Well, I’d say either, but it depends on the Taurus. Most would say, “Why not BOTH?” And didn’t one of your Taurus mentees say, “You never wake a girl up without food or sex?”


John: Yes, I believe that is a direct quote and there was a large plate of food in the picture, so her friend was smart enough to avert any potential crisis.


Venus: That makes a lot of sense.


John: Yes, I’ve been privileged to know many Taurus people over the years…my sister, my grandmother, and a few of my very best friends are Bulls. And man do they have staying power! You couldn’t ask for more loyalty and dedication. I’ve had one Taurus friend for nearly 40 years.


Venus: Taurus directs my energy inward, and you’ve described them very well. They have a tendency to be possessive of their people, but you won’t find a more solid friend or partner. Libra, on the other hand…


John: …is the outward manifestation. They focus on one-to-one relationships, right?


Venus: Precisely! You keep that up and you won’t need me around anymore!


John: [smiles warmly] I will always need you, great lady.


Venus: [beams] The Moon is right. You are SUCH a charmer! But yes, Libra focuses more on outer relationships. They often see themselves through other people, which can be a good or a bad thing.


John: The Libra people I have worked with in the past seem to help me with balance. As a Sun sign Scorpio, I have a tendency to go to extremes.  Libra people help me to even things out.


Venus: Yes, that’s exactly right. How many would you say you have worked closely with?


John: By my count, I would say I’ve worked with five different Libra women on topics as varied as leadership, spiritual development, teaching, and astrology. I count them among my most important mentors, and I seem to draw them for some reason.


Venus: Well, good sir, let me applaud you on your good taste! Libra is indeed the sign of balance, but sometimes relationships do get the better of them. They will often stay in a bad relationship longer than they should because the relationship itself is more important than their own growth or development. But don’t you dare insult a Libra person’s partner. You will get an earful!


John: Yes, I had that happen to me in high school and I learned the lesson very well. [pauses] So you rule those two. Is there another preferred sign for you?


Venus: Certainly! When I show up in Pisces, that’s a wonderful manifestation of my energy. These people tend to be exceptionally artistic, creative, or imaginative. They also do an excellent job of connecting with others on an emotional level.


John: And creativity is an important part of your job, right?


Venus: Indeed! I figure prominently in the horoscopes of many actors, dancers, artists and other creative people.

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