Friday, January 17, 2025

Cloak and Dagger, Part 1

[Moon knocks and enters the Sun’s office] 

Moon: Sol, we’re supposed to meet before your next meeting in a few minutes… 

Sun: Yes, Luna. Please sit down. 

[Moon sits opposite the Sun, at his desk] 

Sun: [points to door] Are they outside? 

Moon: Yes, they’re in the waiting room. 

Sun: Good. [pause] [low voice] Do you know why these two are here? 

Moon: The invitation you sent was sufficiently vague. [smiles] I have an idea, Sol, but no specifics. 

Sun: [smiles] You want to tell me what you think? 

Moon: Normally, Sol, I’d disclose my thoughts to you, but in this case I think I’ll remain silent. 

Sun: Curioser and curioser! [chuckles] Allrighty then. Send Mercury and Saturn in, please, and shut the door behind us. Make sure no one else is in the waiting room until they both leave, please. 

Moon: Of course, Sol. [opens the door and motions for entry] The Sun is ready for you, gentlemen. 
[Mercury and Saturn enter] 

Sun: Lady Moon, would you be so kind as to store Mercury’s cell phone until we’re finished, please? 

[The Moon reaches toward Mercury] 

Mercury: [groans and hands cell phone over to the Moon] 

Sun: Thank you kindly, Mercury. You may now close us in, Lady Moon, and please hold all my calls.  

Moon: Of course, sir. [leaves and closes door] 

Sun: Hi there, gentlemen. Thanks for coming in. 

Saturn: Sir, I’m a little confused about why I’m here; your meeting request was rather unhelpful in that regard. 

Sun: There’s a reason for that, Old Man. Mercury, could you please repeat to Saturn what you told me earlier? 

Mercury: Yes, sir. Word has reached me that our favorite blogged has started writing again, and… 

Saturn: We’re aware, Mercury. I’ve spoken with him myself about resuming his interview series. So why is there all this secrecy? 

Mercury: You didn’t let me finish, Saturn. 

Saturn: Wait…there’s more

Mercury: Yes. May I finish now? 

Saturn: [SIGH] Of course, Mercury. Please go ahead. 

Mercury: According to a reliable source, our favorite blogger is writing another book. 

Saturn: Whoa! That IS a big deal. [looks around furtively] Who else knows about this? 

Sun: This is why you’re here, Saturn. This information is close hold; only the three of us know, for now. 

Saturn: Lady Moon doesn’t even know? 

Sun: I have not informed her, but her instincts are excellent, as you both know. Before we began, I asked for her impressions to find out what she knew, but she declined to say anything. I suspect she did not want to bias me. So it’s just us, and we need to keep it that way. That’s a direct order, Mercury. 

Mercury: Yes, sir. I’ll send anything else I get your way. 

Sun: Thank you very much. You’re excused. Make sure you ask Lady Moon to return your cell phone. 

Mercury: You’ve got it, boss. [leaves the office and closes the door behind him] 

Saturn: We don’t know anything else? It’s not a lot to go on.And while I’ll agree this is a fantastic development, sir, I’m still not sure why I’m involved. 

Sun: You know him better than any of us, and I’m asking you to see what you can do to help him out. 

Saturn: I tend to stifle his creativity, sir, so I’m not sure how helpful I can be. 

Sun: I disagree. I think you will be a great help to him. I need two main things from you. 

Saturn: And they would be…? 

Sun: First is to keep him on track. He’s busy but this is important. His first book published nearly 9 years ago. Give him some flexible Saturn in Gemini boundaries so he does a little each day and doesn’t burn out. 

Saturn: That I can do. And the second task? 

Sun: Let me know immediately if word gets out about this among the team. I don’t want anyone to know, especially Jupiter. 

Saturn: [nods] Sounds simple enough. 

Sun: As you interact with him, keep your ears open and report anything you think I need to know directly to me. Contact Lady Moon and ask her to set up a meeting on my calendar. Entitle it “Boundary Violations” and don’t say anything to her about what you’ve found. That meeting title is generic enough that anyone who looks at our shared calendar won’t suspect anything. 

Saturn: I hear you, sir, and I’ll follow all the protocols. [stands up] Is there anything else? 

Sun: Thank you, Saturn. Nothing else at this time. [Saturn turns to leave]  This is a big deal, Saturn. Do what you can to help him out. I don’t want him giving up again; too much time has already elapsed. 

Saturn: [turns around] Yes, sir. Maybe the timing was not right before, but it is now. I’ll do what I can. [opens the door and leaves]

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