Monday, September 25, 2017

New Theme and New Q&A Link!

Venus: [mutters to herself] Where is that man? I told him when he needed to be here. [SIGH]

[Mercury enters]

Mercury: Sorry, Venus. Mars isn't coming. Looks like you and I working together today.

Venus: What a pleasant surprise, Merc! But why isn't Mars coming?

Mercury: [looks at his phone] Well, the spelling in these text messages is aborrhent and inhibits understanding to a certain degree. But from what I can determine, he's protesting.

Venus: Did he say why?

Mercury: Again, we have more of an enigma, but my best guess is that he's upset about NFL players being called "sons of bitches" for kneeling during the National Anthem. So he's not showing up "to work for the man" today.

Venus: Well, for what it's worth, I'm pleased to see you. And it's probably better for you to be doing this portion anyway.

Mercury: Yes. Questions and answers are definitely my thing. So anyway, John wanted me to tell everyone that he has a new link to answer tarot and astrology questions. If you look to your right, you'll see it, and you can scroll down to fill in the different fields.

Venus: That's a fantastic addition. But did you see the field on choosing an astrological planet to answer? I'm not thrilled it could make more work for us.

Mercury: I sure did. And I hope people pick me because I love giving information.

Venus: Well, I'm not the most...ummm, energetic planet, so especially now I hope that people DON'T pick me to answer, especially not right now while the Sun is in Libra. I mean I guess I will if I have to but...

Mercury: We have no evidence to support or refute that possibility, Venus. But what were you supposed to talk about?

Venus: Well I'm here to tell people about the new blog theme! John's beloved wife Jen is clearly at work here...I was getting tired of that "Ye Olde World Traveler" default theme he had going on. I mean, clearly the blog was in need of a refresh. 

Mercury: If it conveys information better, I couldn't care less what it looks like. It's all about blog numbers and bringing information to the people.

Venus: Well I for one love it! That girl is a creative genius and she's so good at helping her partner be successful.

Mercury: I have conveyed the information as instructed, Venus. Time for me to jet. [speeds off]

Venus: He never even sticks around for simple gratitude. Weird little dude...loveable but weird.  

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