Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Tara's New Moon in Gemini Forecast!

June 13, 2018
Washington, DC

Hello Sky Watchers!

Welcome back for another discussion on our bi-monthly lunations. As we have discussed in past posts, the New Moon is a lunar rebirth and symbolizes new beginnings.

At the time that the moon perfects (completes) its conjunction (union) with the Sun, Libra will be moving across the eastern horizon. With Libra rising, Venus rules the chart, giving a measure of beauty or smoothness to the outer appearance. However, there is far more beneath the surface to this New Moon.

Chart ruler Venus will be conjunct the MC (Midheaven), so your outer life could seem fantastic. You could be finally doing what you love and have found your calling within your career. However, with Venus at the last degree of Cancer, also known as a critical or anaretic degree, this indicates the comfort we feel may not last very long. Critical degrees are between 29 and zero degrees, when a planet is about to enter into a new sign. The new sign changes the expression of energy and alters how the planet was expressing itself.

Venus in Cancer is nurturing and emotional. If you’ve noticed a shakeup in your relationships these last few days, there is a good reason why: Venus squares Uranus, the planet of revolution. Uranus just moved into Taurus after spending 7 years in Aries. Taurus represents the things we find comfort in, and the traditions we have grown accustomed to. At the time of the New Moon, the relationship between Venus and Uranus suggests the need for adjustment between energies.

Also, Uranus will be in the 7th house of relationships and Venus will be in the 10th house of career. We need to balance what we desire with our outer lives and the changes we are facing with our interpersonal relationships with others. The presence of Uranus here suggests that some of these changes could be both surprising and upsetting.

Mercury rules the sign Gemini, and Gemini is the sign the New Moon lunation occurs in. Mercury is in the 9th house of the higher mind and abstract thinking, but in the sign of Cancer. Cancer makes Mercury very thoughtful, reflective, and emotional. Mercury is sextile Uranus and semi-sextile Venus at the time of the New Moon. Sextiles and semi-sextiles denote the planets are working together. With emotional Mercury in the house of higher thought working with the planet of love and revolution in the 10th and 7th houses; we can be sure that there will be aspects to the changes which will make an emotional impact on us to which we will most likely have an emotionally charged response.

Mercury is also inconjunct Mars in Aquarius in the 4th house of home and family. Mars is Aquarius screams independence, freedom and even rebellion. An inconjunction requires adjustments to avoid unfavorable outcomes. With emotional Mercury clashing with Mars, changes made in our environment or our interpersonal relationships could be met with an emotional response. Be prepared for the people in your lives to disagree with the direction you’re due to their own desires and needs.

The 8th house is the heaviest house in the chart and the Sun and Moon reside there. The 8th house’s focus is on what we need to let go, the merger of energy for a common goal, transformation, death and rebirth. Although the Sun and moon have no relationship to Mercury in this chart, they are still ruled by it because they are in Gemini. With Mercury in Cancer, the way we communicate could be much more emotional than usual, watering down normal Gemini banter with the potential for sarcasm or moodiness. Choose your words carefully.

See you next time, Sky Watchers!



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