Early Halloween greetings to all and blessed Samhain [Sow-en] to all who walk a Wiccan path!
This is a time of year when we celebrate death and rebirth. For many Wiccans, it's considered a new year, like a reset button.
The sun has moved into Scorpio recently, and its message is simple yet challenging: To move forward, we have to let go of the things that are no longer serving us. That is not always an easy task, but it's an important one so we can continue to grow.
So here are some areas to look at as you consider releasing things this Halloween season.
1) Relationships
One of the hardest things to contemplate is releasing someone, especially if we're in an emotionally intimate relationship with them. It's so easy to make excuses to keep people in our lives who aren't serving our highest good. There's also the secret desire in some cases for the other person to end things so it's easier.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Is the relationship balanced?
- What need does this person fill in my life?
- How do I feel emotionally when I interact with them?
- Are there things I haven't done or cannot do because of this person's influence or presence in my life?
If the answers to these questions aren't satisfactory, you may need to move on from this person. And by the way, when you release this person, do so in a healthy way, without anger or bitterness.
You also don't have to explain the reasons behind your decision, either; in many cases, people don't move on from others because they don't want a confrontation. So don't have one; you're not asking for permission, right?
2) Stuff
The recent advent of Marie Kondo has re-invigorated the idea of purging, and Halloween is a great time to say goodbye to objects you no longer need. Sell them, give them away, or dispose of them.
If you're having trouble parting with them, ask someone you trust to help you. Sometimes all it takes is for you to try to explain your reasoning for keeping an object for you to realize how it sounds. A second opinion can help keep you focused.
The same thing can be said about organizational systems. In other words, that CD tower might have been a great idea in 2005, but now it's just collecting dust someplace.
3) Negative ideas and self-talk, and unattained goals
We don't even consider sometimes that our thought patterns and ideas hold us back. What we think and believe can keep us from doing the things we should a lot more than we realize.
Here are some examples of concepts to let go of:
- Any statement that connects to poor self-esteem
- Any goal that is not realistic but bothers us because it won't be achieved
- Any idea that is motivated by fear or self-doubt
One of my favorite expressions is "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right!" What we allow to rent space in our head does manifest, to our benefit or detriment.
This is a tall order, but it's so important to take time and only continue to carry the relationships, things and ideas that are going to resonate with our highest good.
I wish you a very blessed season, and hope any pain that you experience through this process is released during it as well.