Jupiter: So go ahead…ask me about the other signs. Anyone who has read this series knows what will happen next!
John: Very true. So what signs cause you difficulty?
Jupiter: Capricorn is a tough one for me, I don’t mind telling you.
John: Well, why would you say that is?
Jupiter: Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and it’s tremendously limiting. As you have pointed out earlier, I don’t do well with limits. Anything dealing with the Old Man is a pain in the ass.
John: No, you’re a planet who sees every option and yet wants the freedom to take them all.
Jupiter: Just like the Old Man. Why see limits when you can see possibilities? I’ve never really understood that.
John: He’s next on my list of interview subjects, so I’ll have to ask him that. [writes note on iPad] What else makes Capricorn a challenging sign for you to inhabit?
Jupiter: Capricorn is a very strategic sign and I’m definitely more of a “you only live once so why the fuck not?” kind of planet. I know I’m going to make mistakes and they’ll get me toward my eventual destination. Saturn’s influence over a sign confers a…wariness, and as such I struggle with these two competing influences.
John: That makes sense to me. So Capricorn is your “Fall” sign, but where are you in detriment?
Jupiter: Gemini. I mean, EW. I am NOT a fan.
John: Because of Mercury’s influence, no doubt?
Jupiter: Yes, absolutely. Too many details for me. I get pulled in too many different directions when I have to pay attention to that many balls in the air. Frankly, I have no idea how that brainiac keeps all that information straight in his brain, because I sure can’t.
John: So Gemini is not a preferred sign for you.
Jupiter: Not at all!
John: What would you say about Virgo? Do you struggle there, too?
Jupiter: Yes, I do, because in the ancient world I used to rule Pisces, and the opposite sign is Virgo. Basically, Mercury do two different jobs and when his influence enters the mix, my job tends to get harder.
John: I understand now, and I think my readers will have a better idea of your role in the astrological planetary system.
Jupiter: I certainly hope so! I’m a pretty important planet overall.
John: There are only ten of you, so as far as I’m concerned, you're all pretty influential.
Jupiter: I can get behind that idea.