Saturday, August 24, 2019

Leaving Occoquan: Moving Forward With Gratitude

Wheel of Fortune from the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Deck
US Games Systems, Inc. 

As many of you know by now, Pin Curls Salon, my home for the past two years, is closing its doors next week. Stylist Lynda Lee has been an incredibly gracious host for offering me a place to serve my clients. As she will be moving into a shared space, I won’t be able to accompany her there. My last day reading cards at Pin Curls was today, August 24, 2019.

What this means is that for the first time in nearly 14 years, I won’t have an Occoquan home. This is a big change for me and for my practice, since I began my professional life there. While I’m a big “never say never” person, it seems likely that I won’t be reading in Occoquan in the foreseeable future. I met most of my clients for the the first time there, so I have a sentimental attachment to it. But as the Wheel of Fortune says, "Everything has a time and a season."

Like many changes, this is a mixed bag emotionally, but the first feeling I’ll acknowledge is gratitude. I’d like to thank all of you—clients, students, and mentees—for your patronage in Occoquan over these past 14 years. I’m incredibly grateful for having the opportunity to serve as a guide, teacher, and mentor.

I’ll take advantage of the opportunity by taking a few Saturdays off, and by using some of that time to work on my upcoming online tarot classes.

Many of you are likely wondering where I’ll be reading next. For the moment, I’m at Sticks & Stones in Fairfax every Tuesday from 5-7pm. I’ll also be reading there all day on Sunday, September 1, from 12-7. Readings are $50 there.

I’m also doing in-person readings at the NoVA Pagan Pride event on Saturday, September 28 at George Mason University in Fairfax. Readings there will also be $50.

If Fairfax is too far for you, I offer readings via Zoom, a videoconferencing program that is free to download and use. While not “in person”, it mimics the in-person experience by allowing you to see me and the cards and to have a conversation; it’s got full audio and video. I’ve been doing readings and astrology charts this way and the feedback I’ve received from clients is overwhelmingly positive.

Oh, and by the way, I can have up to 100 people on Zoom at one time, so if you want to schedule a virtual tarot party that everyone can come to regardless of location, let me know. I’ve done events like this and have had great success. Halloween is coming, good people!

Remember also that I can come to you. For most northern Virginia destinations I don’t charge a travel fee. Just drop me an email or text me at 703-829-3273 and we’ll set something up.

This may be the end of my time in Occoquan, but I look forward to serving you in the future. Thanks again for your past and continued patronage; I am sincerely grateful and look forward to seeing you again soon.