Monday, March 19, 2018

Astrology by Tara's New Moon Forecast

Apologies for the delay, good people! :)

New Moon
Saturday March 17 2018
9:11am, Washington, DC

Greetings Sky Watchers,

Today we will be discussing the Pisces New Moon. The new Moon is when the Sun and Moon meet by the exact degree of a sign. It’s the only time during a lunar cycle when they the same degree of the same sign. 

When we discuss the age of a planet or satellite, we always speak in terms of solar contact symbolizing a rebirth. Metaphysically, it’s the time of the month in a moon cycle in which we focus on new projects and ideas that we desire to grow.

At the time of the New moon Taurus will be on the ascendant, which gives Venus rulership of the chart. Taurus rising encourages stability and comfort.

When you look at this New Moon chart the first thing one may notice is the shocking vacancy within houses one through six. The personal houses are untenanted by planets. This does NOT lessen their importance; however, it does add focus to the houses that are heavily occupied with planets.

In this new moon chart, the 12th house is the most populated house. The twelfth house is one of great misunderstanding and is often feared. It’s the house of our subconscious mind, the personal secrets we keep, our past life connections, our intuitions, artistic abilities, and where we convalesce and recover. 

Another way to look at is that the 12th house is right before sunrise, or the horizon of the ascendant, like the morning mist before daybreak; the Sun does not clearly shine on all things but casts shadows which causes us to pause and reflect. The same is with the twelfth house; it will ask us to pause and reflect on ourselves. It is where our souls connect with the ethereal waters of creation. It represents what our soul carried over before being born.

Pisces, the mutable water sign, is the natural ruler of the twelfth house, and is ruled by Jupiter (classical) or Neptune (modern). All water signs are feminine and represent our emotions. Pisces is known for being unclear, as the waters of Pisces obscure our ability to separate facts from reason.

The Sun. Moon, Venus, Mercury and Uranus all occupy the 12t house. The New Moon conjunction s taking place in Pisces, but the sign of Aries is intercepted—completely encased—within the twelfth house, holding the remaining three planets within it. 

Within the 12th house, the Moon and Sun bathe together in the metaphysical waters of Pisces and united in wanting to connect. Together their energy drives the house, receiving abundant energy from their trine with Jupiter in the 7th house of relationships. This connection could mean that we suddenly want to share our feelings with others.

The sign of Aries represents the self and it expresses the motto “I Am”. Within the sign of self we have Venus (love) and Mercury (communication) conjunct and wanting to passionately speak their truth, yet they are blocked by the Aries interception. Intercepted signs create energy blocks, and planets in an intercepted sign may feel out of sorts or uncomfortable. This is like having to walk through a room until you find the right doorway.

In this case, Mercury, planet of communication, is paired up with Venus, the planet of love, but can’t find his way out to express what he truly wants to say. This could lead to misunderstandings because we aren’t communicating effectively. The Mercury retrograde storm— the storm is Mercury slowing down before going retrograde—only exaggerates miscommunication. 

When we throw Mars, planet of war, trining Uranus, the planet of abrupt change and revolution, into the situation,  we’re much more likely to explode if we aren’t mindful of our approach toward the situation and the people involved.

Be mindful that there is a lot of passion behind our words and they may not be understood in the manner you had hoped.

Thanks as always, Sky Watchers! See you again on the full moon!



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