Saturday, August 11, 2018

Eclipses and Saying Goodbye to Morgana Madison

Morgana Madison Wells Marani
August 30, 2004-July 30, 2018

As many of you already know, our oldest cat Morgana, who I affectionately called Momo, passed away nearly two weeks ago. Our Virgo kitty was approaching her 14th birthday. She gave Jen and me so many years of devotion and kindness that we're incredibly thankful we had so long with her. 

She was diagnosed with cancer back in March and we were told if we were lucky we would have her for another year. Once we received the news, I was afraid that she might pass away around the time she did, near the lunar eclipse of a few weeks ago. This wasn't an intuitive guess but more of an astrological one.

Let me explain. Eclipses are very powerful phenomena that produce ten times the energy of a normal lunation. Many people and animals will pass away during the eclipses, and cats are ruled by the Moon. We heard about several other people who lost loved ones, both human and animal, over the past four or five weeks. 

Astrologically it's a very turbulent time for many. I like to think of eclipses as "doors opening and closing", and not just in the sense of mortality, of course. People often find that an eclipse will signal the end of certain possibilities and the beginnings of new ones.

With that said, if you don't see the effects immediately, hang on and keep your eyes open. They can happen up to six months before or after an eclipse. 
In my case, at both of the last two sets of eclipses, life-changing events have been put into motion. 

Think of an eclipse as the universe's way of saying "You can't go that way anymore so keep moving!" and then opening up other possibilities that you can now access. And when an eclipse takes something from you, likely there's no going back to it, but you can be sure that something will come to light to shift your focus. 

Anyway, my point is that you should keep the dates of the eclipses handy. If you consult a professional astrologer, they should be telling you when the eclipses are going to occur and if they will be hitting a particular place or planet so you can prepare for the effects. Respect the eclipse energy by at least being aware of when they're coming so you're ready. 

Finally, our house is just not the same without Momo, who was a kind, gentle, sweet cat who loved being around her humans. Please send positive thoughts, prayers, Reiki or any other good vibes our way. Luna and Pele seem to be adjusting better than the humans. 


  1. Loving all of you during this time.

    1. Thank you, Shawn, so very much. We miss our little Morgana Madison. :(
