Sunday, October 22, 2017
Reporting from SOTA 2017
Moon: Sir, no one has had time to send in written documentation, so we'll have to go with verbal only reports. [Frowns] I'm guessing people had...other matters to attend to?
Sun: I'm sure you're right, Lady Moon. Verbal reports it is. Pluto, can we start with you?
Pluto: Well, there was a lot of lumping me in with the Hippie and Sir Breaks-A-Lot over there...
Saturn: Your astrological role is somewhat constricted, Pluto, due to your very long cycle. And you scare people.
Pluto: You've got no right to say anything, saggy ass! People spend half their lives worrying about what you'll do next.
Neptune: It's OK, Pluto...we're all trying to inspire people. Saturn has to do it in his own way. And what does it matter if you're with Urnie and I?
Pluto: That's where you're wrong, you lying sack of shit! And I'm stunned you're actually HERE on time. Where's your mind right now?
Saturn: Pluto, there's no need to cast aspersions. I was disappointed that Jessica Lanyadoo wasn't able to come, but Ellen Bourn definitely had the right idea about me.
Uranus: It was an astrology conference. I was having a fantastic time. Donna van Toen once again captured my essence, as usual. And there was an excellent social media presence for the conference as well.
Neptune: Creativity was everywhere! Inspiration! And alcohol!
Sun: Uranus and Neptune, I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves.
Uranus: MJ Patterson's presentation on genius in the astrological chart was also a big hit. She's not one of mine, but still...
Sun: She's one of mine, Urnie, and she's earned that honor. Great leader, too, if I may say so. Definitely on the rise.
Moon: The latest information I have, sir, is that people felt comfortable together and really connected.
Sun: That's important, Lady Moon. Mercury?
Mercury: That Gary Caton REALLY gets me. He totally seems to understand what I'm all about. Lots and lots of astrological communication all weekend. The air was filled with it!
Mars: I bet it pissed other people off to have all these weird people speaking in tongues. I mean, I'm all for passion but dude these people don't quit. I can barely get it, even when they're talking about me! At least most of the other people around were there for HOCKEY!
Saturn: They weren't talking about you much, Mars. When was the last time you heard someone talk about a Mars return?
Sun: People do talk about their Mars return, Saturn. And I doubt they dread it like many people do yours. And that's not a disparaging's just a fact.
Venus: Old Man, you do your job too well sometimes.
Saturn: Perhaps, Lady Venus. Perhaps. But although I am reluctant to say it, I heard no one disparage me.
Sun: You're very important, Saturn. All of you are. When is the conference over?
Mercury: Tomorrow are the post-conference sessions, sir, so many people went home today.
Mars: What about our boy?
Saturn: By "our boy", Mars, you really mean my boy, John, right?
Mars: Earth to Mr. can remember all kinds of stupid shit but I'm his almuten, remember?
Sun: As weird as it is to say this, point taken, Mars. Merc?
Mercury: As I understand it, he presented today and the feedback we have is that it went well. Nothing on paper...we only have verbal reporting.
Saturn: [SIGH] Once again, he does that ridiculous thing with cards instead of spending his time doing astrology lectures. When will that boy learn?
Neptune: His work is divinely inspired, Saturn. Give the man time to blossom!
Mars: Yeah, dude. Where the fuck are you going? You got plenty of time! And did you see John in the gym? I was fucking thrilled he was there! Good on him!
Venus: John met a number of new people and renewed some friendships. He had a wonderful time, sir.
Sun: Any word on his return home, Mercury?
Mercury: The latest I have is that he has an early morning tomorrow to drive home. He shouldn't face any challenging weather.
Jupiter: You've said THAT before, Mr. Intel.
Mercury: I have a fantastic track record, Jupiter, and unlike you, I have real data, not propaganda. But sometimes information is incorrect. Nobody's perfect.
Moon: I know John misses his home and family, sir, so it's good that he's heading out tomorrow. I know he'll be a little sad to say goodbye to his friends, but hopefully he'll see them next year.
Sun: Thanks, everyone. Any alibis?
[Mercury's phone goes off]
Sun: Mercury...what have I said about your phone? For the planet of memory I'm very surprised.
Mars: Maybe it's one of his bitches!
[Venus kicks Mars]
Mars: OW! Bitch that hurt!
Mercury: [shuts phone off] Sorry, sir. It won't happen again.
Saturn: [SIGH]
Sun: I think we're done here, folks. Thank you as always.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Astrology by Tara’s New Moon Forecast
October 19 2017
The New Moon will occur at approximately 3:11 pm, Thursday, October 19th here in Washington DC.
The Sun represents our vitality, our life force, and at times our ego. In contrast, the Moon represents our emotional responses and our soul.
Once per month the two luminaries meet by astrological degree and sign and form a conjunction. This blending of energy is what is known as the New Moon.
Whenever any planetary body contacts the Sun it receives an energy boost and is reborn. The Moon is the fastest of all the heavenly bodies and as such it becomes reborn or renewed every 28 days when it meets the Sun during a New Moon.
The ascendant is one of the most sensitive points in a chart, which indicates how the world sees us. Aquarius is rising in this New Moon, which makes the chart ruler Uranus by modern astrology, or Saturn if you use classical dignities. Uranus and Saturn have more influence over the chart.
Also, at the New Moon the lunar nodes are across the 1st house/7th house axis. The south node is in the 1st house of self, and the north node will be in the 7th house of our interpersonal relationships with others. This indicates that one of the themes of this New Moon is focusing on self vs others.
The New Moon itself will occur at 26 Libra which adds focus to the Libra themes: relationships, compassion, fairness, and balance. In this New Moon chart, the sign Libra is locked or intercepted in the 8th house of what we share with others: sex, taxes, values, the metaphysical, and death. The 8th house is where we let go of the things or people who don’t serve our higher purpose.
The Sun and Moon are accompanied by four other planets in the 8th house, creating a strong energy focus called a stellium; this represents an abundance of energy or an emphasis placed on that house or sign. So the Sun, Moon, all three of the personal planets—Mercury, Venus, and Mars—and Jupiter are all bringing our focus to 8th house matters.
As I explained earlier two other planets carry significant importance in this New Moon, they are Saturn and Uranus. They both can be considered to be the New Moon chart rulers. As such, their energy exchange with any planets affects the entirety of the New Moon chart.
Saturn is sextile the New Moon, as the two bodies are approximately 60 degrees apart. This is a complimentary aspect which provides ease and reassurance to any decision making which has to occur and will help to stabilize the 8th house New Moon. It provides a sense of knowing that what you are releasing is for your own higher good.
Now let’s look at the other chart ruler, Uranus, a slow-moving planet that takes approximately 84 years to return, or make a complete revolution around the Sun. Uranus spends an average of 7 years in each of the zodiac signs as it makes it way around the zodiac. Uranus is the planet of shock, sudden change, and significant shifts of consciousness.
When Uranus makes hard aspects—opposes or squares—to other planets, it can bring about chaotic change, which often can feel overwhelming but usually pushes us toward our own spiritual evolution. Uranus is sitting at 26 Aries, in direct opposition to the New Moon. During the New Moon, Uranus sits in the 2nd house of what we value: movable possessions, money, stability, and security. Uranus’ energy breaks through and breaks away from anything no longer needed. It’s an awakening.
With Uranus in Aries—the sign of self—opposed the new Moon in Libra—the sign of partnerships—we going to have to evaluate what is important in our lives and our relationships with others. Uranus will also break through our own ego, pushing us take a long hard look at ourselves and how we are part of the equation.
With so many personal planets in the 8th house of release, don’t be surprised if this New Moon opposed Uranus is a kind of cosmic house cleaning. It’s the perfect time to toss what no longer serves your greater good and begin with a clean slate. With Saturn anchoring the Ascendant and sextile the New Moon, more than likely the purposeful changes you make at this New Moon have staying power. It’s time to set your intentions and make them positive!
Until the full Moon,
Bright Blessings
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Tarot Tuesday: How Long Does It Take To Learn Tarot?
I hate the answer, but it’s the only one that works: It depends. How long that takes is really up to you.
If you’re a tarot student, the task can seem very daunting. 78 cards, double that if you’re reading reversals, is a lot to learn. But don’t let the numbers discourage you.
I started reading cards in 1989. Many of you reading this weren’t even born yet, so I know how crazy that must sound. I was heading off to college and decided it was time to spread my wings. But I started off reading like everyone else: With that little white book that came with the deck.
I did my first few readings for some friends and when I opened that little book, I was disappointed. One card I remember in particular was the Six of Wands. It said, “Furlough for a military man” and I thought “What the fuck is this shit?” Someone was asking me about how they were going to perform academically, so that was not helpful at all.
Me being me, I improvised. I started thinking of the cards as “good”, “bad”, or “somewhere in between” and interpreted from there. Yes, it was frustrating, but it helped push me forward on my path.
28 years later, I remember very well what it took to develop my skills: Time, books, classes, and contemplation. I’m more of a deep thinker, and it takes me a while to assimilate new ideas. But once I do, I don’t forget them.
The point here is that we all learn differently. One question to ask yourself is what kind of learner you are. There are plenty of online tests and resources to help you figure it out, but I’d suggest digging a little more deeply into how you learn. Doing so will accelerate the process.
The other main factor is your intuitive ability. If that skill comes naturally to you, it can help facilitate your studies. My niece Yvonne, for example, is much more naturally intuitive than I am, and it shows in her tarot work. She won’t have to work as hard as I did to develop it, and as such she’s already very skilled working with the tarot.
So the real answer to learning the tarot is to develop both your knowledge of the tarot and your intuitive ability.
What you learn along your journey is much more important than some arbitrary number, isn’t it?
Friday, October 6, 2017
A Total Solar Eclipse?
Moon: Sol, I need your notes for our next meeting. [PAUSE] This is the third time I've asked for them, and you told me you'd have them done today.
Sun: I'm just not feeling it, Luna. It seems like the earth has gone mad. It makes me heartsick to see everything that's going on.
Moon: Me too, Sol. But people look to you for leadership. You're up there shining every single day, whether your on center stage or behind the clouds. People take comfort in your presence. And clearly you'
Sun: Some days I struggle to do my job. I go out there and shine down on a world that I don't recognize anymore and I don't know what to do about it.
Moon: You are pretty powerful, but to be fair, there's nothing you can do about it except going out there. Life goes on...and it's because of you that those people have life at all. I know this sounds hoky, but what do you think hiding your light is going to do?
Sun: [irritated] That's just it, Luna! I don't KNOW WHAT TO DO.
Moon: [softly] You don't need to do anything except feel what you're going to feel, embrace it, and release it so you can move forward. It's going to take some time to do that, so during that time you need to make sure you're taking good care of yourself. Clearly, you're not doing that, so I took some steps.
Sun: [looking up] Excuse me?
[knock on the Sun's office door]
Moon: Come in, Venus!
Venus: [opens door and enters] Good afternoon, Lady Moon, and to you, sir!
Moon: I had a feeling you might drop by, Venus. [Embraces her].
Sun: What exactly is going on here, ladies?
Venus: Lady Moon asked me to make some arrangements for you, sir. Looks like you're going away for a few days.
Sun: [looks at his online calendar] Wait...what happened to all my appointments for this week and next week?
Luna: I've taken the liberty of clearing it for you, sir. And you'll find that there are some new entries.
Sun: Yes, I'm seeing it. Why am I on a flight to Phoenix in...holy shit...about three hours?
Luna: So you can take care of yourself and not worry about everyone else. You're not particularly good at that, you know. And the work is starting to wear on you.
Sun: Hmmm. Sounds interesting, but I'd have liked to choose to go.
Venus: I've made a few calls. You'll be very happy we took care of things once you get to the resort. [hands the Sun a folder]
Sun: [looks over paperwork] Hot rocks? They're going to pelt me with hot rocks? How is that relaxing?
Venus: It's a hot stone treatment, sir. Extremely relaxing. And you will have nothing to do except show up. They will take care of you.
Moon: You need some pampering, Sol. And you're not good at asking for help.
Sun: But Luna, have you thought about...
Moon: [holds up one hand] Let me want to know if we can afford this, right?
Venus: Good call, Lady Moon. [to the Sun] Sir, they gave me special deals for everything. The money is not a problem. And no, your paperwork doesn't list the prices. My contacts would not want anyone knowing what fantastic discounts we got, so you got a copy without them.
Moon: Any other objections, Sol?
Sun: [SIGH] Well I guess I've got time to get my laptop and...wait a second. My computer is not working...diagnostics? What bullshit! We're not supposed to be running these during the day. Get Mercury on the phone!
Luna: Mercury has already been here, sir. He just can't seem to figure out what's wrong with it. So you'd better leave it here so he can work on it. [winks at Venus] Besides, you won't need it anyway, although you can take your phone. You will find, however, that your work email won't arrive on your phone right now. That's a curious problem, but again, I'm sure once you return Mercury will be able to figure out what's up.
[Mercury pokes his head into the office]
Mercury: Sir, your Uber has arrived.
[Luna opens the closet and hands the Sun a suitcase]
Luna: Time to go, Sol. I guarantee you'll shine a lot brighter when you get back. I've packed you enough sunflower seeds to feed you for a month, as well as all your comfy clothes.
Sun: I...I'm not sure about this, Luna.
Luna: You will be when you get back. [gently] I don't want you miss your plane, Sol. Have a great trip!
Sun: [confused] Thanks...I think.
Mercury: Come on, sir. I'll make sure you find your car.
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Astrology By Tara: The Full Moon in Aries!
Welcome back for this month’s discussion on October’s full moon. According to folklore, the full moon after the fall equinox is known as the “Harvest Moon”. The fall equinox was on September 22, 2017, and as such the aptly titled harvest moon’s light allows for farmers and gardeners to glean the last of their crop as we in the northern hemisphere prepare for the cooler months which lie ahead. October’s full moon zenith will occur during daylight hours in the continental United States, at approximately 2:40 pm in Washington, DC.
The full moon is a time in the lunar cycle when the Moon is opposed the Sun. Oppositions by nature are the second strongest aspect between two planetary bodies. When two planets are opposed to each other, there is roughly 180 degrees between them. Oppositions require purposeful adjustment to navigate the probability of extremes. This is especially true with oppositions between the Sun and Moon. The Moon represents our emotional responses and the Sun represents our vitality and growth when these two personal planets are opposed it has the potential to create difficulty in our responses to life situations and our own direction in life.
One important note about the full Moon is that she is always in the sign opposite the Sun. She travels so much more quickly than the Sun does that she easily catches him about every 28 days, but the full moon represents the halfway point in the Sun-Moon monthly cycle. If you have trouble remembering the Moon’s sign—which changes every two and a half days—just remember that the full Moon sign will always be opposite that of the Sun. When the Sun is in Aries, for example, the full Moon will always be in Libra. This little trick can also be helpful if you’re looking for a full Moon in a particular sign for spiritual reasons.
For this Harvest Moon, the Moon will be at 12 Aries, the cardinal fire sign, while the Sun will be at 12 Libra. Aries by nature is bold and passionate and is the natural ruler of the 1st house and the self, Aries Moon reacts quickly, speaks with a purpose, and does not mince words.
This lunation has a T-square pattern: Two planets are opposed each other and a third planet is square to them both. Unlike a Grand Cross, which has 4 planets exchanging energy with each other by opposition and squares, t-squares do not have the benefit of the grand cross balance. One planet is on the receiving end of challenging square energy from two planets. The apex point is the planet squared to two that are opposed. Often the apex planet is where the energy and activity are expressed. In this full Moon's T-square, the apex planet is Pluto.
In addition, this particular T-square will be in the cardinal signs of Aries, Libra, and Capricorn. Cardinal signs are the initiators, and they bring change. In the natural zodiac: Aries rules the self; Libra rules our relationships; Capricorn rules our career. During the full Moon, the three planets involved in the T-square are Sun (self), Moon (emotions), and Pluto (transformation and change). When analyzing the T-square it’s important to look at the oppositions first. We have the Aries Moon representing passionate strong emotions opposed to the Libra Sun representing the balance needed for a healthy relationship. These energies are already opposed which means adjustment is required to avoid further issues.
Things become more complex when you consider the transformative power of Pluto next to (conjunct) the Ascendant, one of the most important positions in an astrological chart. With Pluto on the ascendant change will happen, it’s just a matter of when. This is especially true as Pluto is no longer in retrograde, as Pluto returns to full speed we can expect abundant and purposeful changes to color our world and our nation.
Pluto in Capricorn represents a change in business, military leadership, politics, banks, our private careers and government. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn approximately 1762-1778 our nation was being founded. You’ve got it folks; we as a nation are experiencing our Pluto return. During the 1700’s Pluto in Capricorn heralded in several new heads of state, successful government revolutions, and significant changes in world commerce.
This full moon has a plethora of powerful planetary energy exchange. Every planet is sharing a relationship of energy with another planet. In a way, this creates great possibility for change and powerful potential. This full moon is asking us to examine who we are, the values we hold as true, what we feel, and to remove the people or activities in our lives which will limit our ability to reach our fullest potential. The full moon is activating similar energies on the world stage as well.
This is a time of serious evaluation. Many of us feel as though we have to make choices and some of those choices aren’t comfortable for us however they are necessary. This is the harvest moon, the gleaming. This is your opportunity to reap the harvest of your own lives by choosing who and what you will keep for yourself and who or what will not make the final harvest. A good farmer knows that leaving some behind is not inherently bad; often what we leave behind will once again yield in years to come just not in this harvest.
Brightest Blessings,