Thursday, October 5, 2017

Astrology By Tara: The Full Moon in Aries!


Welcome back for this month’s discussion on October’s full moon. According to folklore, the full moon after the fall equinox is known as the “Harvest Moon”. The fall equinox was on September 22, 2017, and as such the aptly titled harvest moon’s light allows for farmers and gardeners to glean the last of their crop as we in the northern hemisphere prepare for the cooler months which lie ahead. October’s full moon zenith will occur during daylight hours in the continental United States, at approximately 2:40 pm in Washington, DC.

The full moon is a time in the lunar cycle when the Moon is opposed the Sun. Oppositions by nature are the second strongest aspect between two planetary bodies. When two planets are opposed to each other, there is roughly 180 degrees between them. Oppositions require purposeful adjustment to navigate the probability of extremes. This is especially true with oppositions between the Sun and Moon. The Moon represents our emotional responses and the Sun represents our vitality and growth when these two personal planets are opposed it has the potential to create difficulty in our responses to life situations and our own direction in life.

One important note about the full Moon is that she is always in the sign opposite the Sun. She travels so much more quickly than the Sun does that she easily catches him about every 28 days, but the full moon represents the halfway point in the Sun-Moon monthly cycle. If you have trouble remembering the Moon’s sign—which changes every two and a half days—just remember that the full Moon sign will always be opposite that of the Sun. When the Sun is in Aries, for example, the full Moon will always be in Libra. This little trick can also be helpful if you’re looking for a full Moon in a particular sign for spiritual reasons.

For this Harvest Moon, the Moon will be at 12 Aries, the cardinal fire sign, while the Sun will be at 12 Libra. Aries by nature is bold and passionate and is the natural ruler of the 1st house and the self, Aries Moon reacts quickly, speaks with a purpose, and does not mince words.

This lunation has a T-square pattern: Two planets are opposed each other and a third planet is square to them both. Unlike a Grand Cross, which has 4 planets exchanging energy with each other by opposition and squares, t-squares do not have the benefit of the grand cross balance. One planet is on the receiving end of challenging square energy from two planets. The apex point is the planet squared to two that are opposed. Often the apex planet is where the energy and activity are expressed. In this full Moon's T-square, the apex planet is Pluto.

In addition, this particular T-square will be in the cardinal signs of Aries, Libra, and Capricorn. Cardinal signs are the initiators, and they bring change. In the natural zodiac: Aries rules the self; Libra rules our relationships; Capricorn rules our career. During the full Moon, the three planets involved in the T-square are Sun (self), Moon (emotions), and Pluto (transformation and change). When analyzing the T-square it’s important to look at the oppositions first. We have the Aries Moon representing passionate strong emotions opposed to the Libra Sun representing the balance needed for a healthy relationship. These energies are already opposed which means adjustment is required to avoid further issues.

Things become more complex when you consider the transformative power of Pluto next to (conjunct) the Ascendant, one of the most important positions in an astrological chart. With Pluto on the ascendant change will happen, it’s just a matter of when. This is especially true as Pluto is no longer in retrograde, as Pluto returns to full speed we can expect abundant and purposeful changes to color our world and our nation.

Pluto in Capricorn represents a change in business, military leadership, politics, banks, our private careers and government. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn approximately 1762-1778 our nation was being founded. You’ve got it folks; we as a nation are experiencing our Pluto return. During the 1700’s Pluto in Capricorn heralded in several new heads of state, successful government revolutions, and significant changes in world commerce.

This full moon has a plethora of powerful planetary energy exchange. Every planet is sharing a relationship of energy with another planet. In a way, this creates great possibility for change and powerful potential. This full moon is asking us to examine who we are, the values we hold as true, what we feel, and to remove the people or activities in our lives which will limit our ability to reach our fullest potential. The full moon is activating similar energies on the world stage as well.

This is a time of serious evaluation. Many of us feel as though we have to make choices and some of those choices aren’t comfortable for us however they are necessary. This is the harvest moon, the gleaming. This is your opportunity to reap the harvest of your own lives by choosing who and what you will keep for yourself and who or what will not make the final harvest. A good farmer knows that leaving some behind is not inherently bad; often what we leave behind will once again yield in years to come just not in this harvest.

Brightest Blessings,



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