Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Opportunities to Excel in 2020: Three Ideas to Ponder

Greetings good people! Another end of the year is upon us.

I don't know about you, but I'm glad to see 2019 leave. It's been a challenging year for me in many ways. But it's too easy to say "Good riddance!" and stop there. 

Honestly, 2020 will give us what we need: Opportunities to excel. So how can you exceed your expectations in 2020? Here are three ideas for your consideration. 

1) Lead from where you stand

Most people hear this and think, "That sounds like it's for work." You're not wrong; the idea of being a leader in what you do no matter what your title may dictate is not new in the realm of employment. But it's greater than that. It's a reminder that you need to lead your own life

Blaming others is the easy way out, and so is playing the victim or procrastinating. We all live with our own choices, folks, and we have all had to deal with unexpected conditions that crop up and seem to mess everything up. 

Life is full of difficult situations, dilemmas and decisions. In 2020, decide to own it all: your decisions, your opinions, your thoughts, and most importantly, your actions or the lack thereof. If you've been putting things off out of fear, face them head on.

For me, there will be a greater focus on leadership and on helping others to lead from where they stand. I've taught some amazing students over the past year and I hope to have more of them in the year to come. Helping others helps you and is an investment in your future, and when you light another candle, you are a leader. 

I'll leave you with this important fact from a dear friend: When you are helping someone, you are supporting them until they can get to a place where they can help themselves. Do that wherever you can and you show leadership. 

2) Embrace hope

Many of us have experienced hardship in the past year: Divorce, financial difficulties, aging parents, medical problems that require lifestyle changes, and the loss of people or companion animals are just a few of them. 

What's more is that this world is screwed up in many ways, and we receive constant reminders. We hear about things that have gone wrong constantly. Our current political climate only seems to make things worse as it features so much in our headlines. It seems like an escape from it is more necessary now than ever. 

So how do you handle all this without becoming overwhelmed? Embrace hope. Believe that the world can be a better place. Accept that you have control only over your very small corner of the world, but by improving your own little portion, you have a positive impact. Even an optimistic attitude can help. 

Some days it's very challenging to look through what many might call rose-colored glasses. But I see the good in people every day, and it's a practice from which we can all benefit, I suspect. 

And believe me, the world is a much better place with you in it. Please reach out for help if you feel that you've lost all hope. As I recently said to a friend, I've done too many hospital visits in the past year, and I don't want to write your eulogy.

3) Learn to speak in public in spite of fear

73% of Americans are afraid of speaking in public. No, I'm not joking...this is the #1 fear of so many adults. The statistics I saw say that both death and loneliness are in the top ten fears, but presenting to others tops them all.

I've been teaching public speaking for a number of years so when I say I get it, I really do. No one wants to mess up, and no one wants to make an idiot out of themselves in front of their friends, colleagues, and bosses.

I used to fear speaking in public and also performing in public as a musician. Hell, I used to fear talking on the telephone! But after a less than stellar musical performance where nerves got the better of me, I decided this fear was not going to hold me back. 

So I put myself into positions deliberately where I would have to speak and it has paid off. It's given me more confidence in front of groups and in one-on-one conversations like job interviews, and I found to my incredible surprise that I really enjoy it, too. The nervous energy is there but I've learned to harness it and make it work for me. 

My challenge for you this year is to give it a try. Start small: Present an idea at a meeting at work. Speak at your house of worship or a local community group. Share your ideas with others at a conference. Hustle up to the microphone at your town meeting. It doesn't have to last a long time, but it's important to face that fear. 

Chances are you won't "enjoy" public speaking. But it can help you a lot if you're willing to give it a shot.

If you find yourself wanting to learn to present, I'm taking new mentees this year and would love to hear from you. Recently I helped a young lady prepare for job interviews, and I enjoyed the experience so much that I'd love to do more of that work, no matter what your public speaking goal may be. 

No matter what you do with 2020, I hope you will choose to lead from where you stand, embrace hope, and get out there and speak your truth. I look forward to witnessing your progress. 

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