Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Tarot Tuesday: Are Tarot Readers Psychic?

This is a question I heard once but stated in a different way. A tarot mentee of mine asked me, "You don't actually think that these cards can tell the future, do you?" 

Before you ask, yes, she was serious, and I'll mention her again in a moment. But let's address the question before we do that.

All tarot readers are psychics, but not all psychics are tarot card readers. Psychic is an umbrella term for anyone who divines the future using an intuitive ability. For tarot readers, the cards are the method for receiving the message. 

Think of it this way: Each tarot card connects with the subconscious mind and acts as a sort of starting point for the reader's intuition. The more experience a tarot reader has, the less the meanings of each individual card matter and the more the whole reading starts to come into sharper focus.

Bottom line: The answer to this question is a resounding YES. 

And my mentee? Well, she kept referring to the cards as "props" and had contacted a talent agent for gigs; I suspect she thought the whole tarot reader thing was some kind of hustle. So our mentoring relationship didn't last, but I managed to get over it. :)

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