Sunday, April 12, 2020

Interview with Mercury, Part 3

John: Speaking of going back to things…

Mercury: I knew we’d get here eventually. Let’s do this…it may bother lots of people, but it doesn’t bother me. I’m just doing my job.

John: One of the most common questions I get is what happens when you go retrograde.

Mercury: Of course it is! So many people only know about me because of my retrograde periods. And you astrologers don’t help at all. You hype it and then people take that information and freak out. Again, it’s not my responsibility to do that. You people ought to know better.

John: I won’t disagree, but let’s present the real story, with just the facts, if you would.

Mercury: [smiles] Definitely. Let’s start with the basics. Retrograde means “backward”. As planets move through the zodiac, normally we are moving in direct motion; that is to say, we move forward through the degrees and signs. I start at 0 degrees of a sign and move through it until I reach 29 degrees 59 minutes. Then I enter another sign.

John: But during this period, you go backward through the zodiac degrees and signs?

Mercury: Correct. We’re moving ahead too quickly though. HAH! A little humor there. Anyway, let’s set the scene a little bit here for the readers.

John: I find the best way to show folks is to describe a situation and then show the chart. So, let’s take your next retrograde coming up and break it down. [checks iPad] My ephemeris says you’ll go retrograde again on June 18, and that you will travel from 14 Cancer 46 back to 5 Cancer 30.

Mercury: Not so fast. The information you presented is correct but incomplete. Tell me something. When do I pass 5 Cancer 30 before the retrograde begins?

John: That would be on June 2.

Mercury: Excellent. THAT, dear sir, is the date that people should be concerned about.

John: Really? Why?

Mercury: Because that is when I enter the area that I will cover three times for the retrograde cycle. At that time, my powers start to get a little bit unreliable. Astrologers like you call it the Mercury shadow.

John: That’s an important distinction. I’ll put the chart up to illustrate.

Mercury: From June 2 to June 18, I am still moving forward; in other words, the retrograde period still has not officially begun. But I’m slowing down! I can’t turn on a dime, so I have to get slower and slower until I start moving backward in the zodiac on June 18. When I turn around, there is a brief period when I won’t be moving at all, and then I start going backward. That point where I start moving backward is called the retrograde station.

John: Right. And your power is based on your speed, right? So, you’re moving backward on June 18, but not at full speed.

Mercury: Absolutely. I can’t just put the pedal to the metal; I ramp up my speed slowly, heading backward now.

John: How long are you officially retrograde? In other words, from retrograde station until you turn direct again, how long is it?

Mercury: Usually about three weeks. In this case, it will be from June 18 until July 12.

John: And of course, you have to slow down again before you change directions.

Mercury: Precisely. But when I reverse myself yet again, on July 12, I’ll arrive at what we call my direct station. I’ll be in direct motion again, moving forward through the zodiac at 5 Cancer 30.

John: I see what’s happening. You’re not up to full speed again yet, so we have another shadow period until…

Mercury: Until I return to the point where I went retrograde in the first place, at 14 Cancer 46.

 John: That won’t be until July 26!

Mercury: Sure. What’s your point?

John: You’re not retrograde for three weeks; it’s more like seven weeks. Tell me how that is the same!

Mercury: That’s an inaccurate statement. You asked me earlier how long I was retrograde—moving backward. I told you about three weeks, and that’s correct. I arrive at retrograde station on June 19, and I arrive at my direct station on July 12. That’s about 3 weeks. [hesitates]

John: [motions him on] Go on. I want them to hear this directly from the horse’s mouth.

Mercury: I’ve always found that to be a bizarre turn of phrase.

John: Don’t distract me with word games, now. You said you cover the same ground three times. And as you do so, what happens?

Mercury: Ah ha…now you’re asking the right question!

John: Out with it.

Mercury: [pauses] The impact of transiting the same area of the zodiac three times could be felt for as long as seven weeks, from the time I enter until the time I leave that zone.

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