Thursday, February 6, 2014

Mercury Retrograde Fuckery Update: Day 1

So we're just over four hours into Mercury Retrograde, and I've already got some interesting reports coming in. With the understanding that some of this stuff is going to be from the "storm", that pre-retrograde period when Mercury is slowing down, I'm already hearing some fucked-up shit.

One area we really haven't touched on is Merc retrograde causing paperwork problems of all kinds. The situation below is a classic example of Merc retro in action with paperwork. 

  • A close friend was supposed to retire earlier this week from the Federal Government after more than 25 years of service. Everything looked pretty good until this past week, when everything started to go to shit. There's too much fuckery on this topic to list, but the latest entry is that the government was prepared to retire him out without making sure he was eligible to continue to have health insurance. My friend found this out last Friday, so he decided that he's not actually going to retire until after Mercury goes direct.

Two other friends found Mercury retrograde effects during the storm yesterday in a meeting, so we'll file that under interpersonal communications fuckery:

  • At a work meeting with their supervisor, they found out that they did not understand the supervisor's vision. He also did not understand or appreciate their opinions, and as such he (the supervisor) would be telling them what the vision is without their input. He also said they would be asked to add to their already copious workload because of another underperforming team in the same department. This all came without warning, and the supervisor was nasty during the meeting. 
What makes this one even more interesting is that the supervisor came in today and was in a great mood, trying to play off the bad feelings from the day before. Such a radical change in communication style and content is another Merc retro hallmark. What I said to one of them was "Merc retro isn't going to turn this guy into a dick, but it's going to make it harder than usual for you to communicate with him."

In the category of telecommunications fuckery we have this example:
  • Students at a pottery class must call the school during non-class hours if they would like to use the studio to ensure there is adequate supervision. The students received an email yesterday that the phone lines at the school are down, and there is no estimate on when they will be repaired. There was no alternative contact information for students to use to request studio time, either. 

Finally, take special note: If you're going away for a romantic getaway or romantic dinner this Valentine's Day, triple check your reservations and expect problems. If you haven't reserved by now, honestly, I'd suggest an activity that doesn't involve a reservation. There's the potential for real reservation and travel fuckery this year on Valentine's Day. I've already heard from one couple who had to cancel reservations for that weekend, and that was earlier today. 

Bottom line: It's already started, folks. I hope this isn't a harbinger of things to come. But please re-read that last paragraph and verify everything Valentine-related, including flowers or other gifts you ordered to arrive on that day. Can you imagine what the online and local florist shops are going to be like with Merc retro on this holiday? I can, and it has the potential to be brutal. 

Holy living fuck. 

I think that's about all for now. Feel free to write in and share the fuckery.

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