John: Well, Venus, we certainly have covered a lot of ground. Would you mind giving us a quick re-cap of what we talked about?
Venus: Sure. I’m the planet of desire and my influence is very broad—
John: [unsuccessfully stifles a laugh]
Venus: [glowers] REALLY?
John: Sorry…I just thought it was funny that you used that term and that you're the planet of women…[chuckles again]
John: Sorry, Lady Venus. Please continue. [stifles smirk]
Venus: MEN! [fixes hair and takes a deep breath] As you stated, I’m the planet of women and femininity. I rule attraction and many people call me the pleasure center of the zodiac.
John: And love and relationships are an important part of your work, but so is money, right?
Venus: Yes, that’s right. I deal with money matters and anything with value, as well as the concepts and ideas that people value.
John: Could you give us an example of that?
Venus: Sure. You’ve got Venus in Scorpio, so you value loyalty and discretion more than most people. How’s that?
John: Good call! But one area we didn’t talk about much is creativity. You do that too, right?
Venus: Yes, I do, but Neptune also owns a part of creativity in an astrological sense. With that said, I show up importantly in the charts of many creative, artistic people.
John: I didn’t want to forget to mention that.[checks iPad] We talked extensively about your movement around the wheel.
Venus: Yup. Always close to the boss…never more than 48 degrees away. Merc and I often hang out together. And I do retrograde every once in a while, but not too often…
John: [consults iPad] 7.2% of the time, as I recall. Once every 19 months you go on your business trip backward through the zodiac, for about 40 days.
Venus: Indeed. I’m about to leave in a few days, so while I don’t want to rush you, I need to get home and get packed.
John: I understand. Just a few more questions and then we’ll wrap your lava cake to go.
Venus: Thanks! So, what’s left?
John: Well I won’t make you re-live the polite lie—I mean, the pleasant fiction—but can you tell us again which signs you rule?
Venus: I’m at my best in Taurus and Libra, and Pisces is also pretty amazing. Before you ask, I’m more of a challenge in Virgo, as well as Mars-ruled Aries and Scorpio. [smiles] Can you wrap my lava cake to go?
John: Absolutely! [closes iPad] You’ve done me a great service today, Venus. Thank you so much for your time and energy. Please enjoy your retrograde and we’ll catch you in late June when you return.
Venus: Thank you, John! I’m grateful for the opportunity. And maybe when I get back you can actually leave the house! [Pauses] I guess I shouldn't hug you, huh?