Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Interview with Venus, Part 2

John: [consults iPad] So you’ve alluded to the one big part of your job, and that’s what everyone knows about: You as the planet of love and pleasure. But most people don’t know about your other job. Could you enlighten our audience about that?


Venus: Well, if Mercury we’re here, he’d probably say, “Well, to be precise, it’s really just the one job.” [laughs] I adore that man…so smart and quick-witted! Anyway, I am also one of the planets in the Zodiac that deals with money and business matters. Lots of people don’t know that, but it’s a big part of my portfolio.


John: So how do you get both love and money? Isn’t love enough?


Venus: Well, my dear sir, love is amazing and awesome, and money is pretty cool, too. If we look at it a different way, though, they’re both part of the same idea.


John: We’re getting close to melting a few brains, Venus. Perhaps some examples would be good?


Venus: Whatever you think will work! Let’s start with the idea of desire, because that’s really where it’s at. I show people what they want, not just in other people, but in things. Some people are into shoes, or clothes, or handbags, and clothing and luxury items are certainly associated with me. But what if you’re into power tools, or video games, or technology, or food? If you want it, then my job is to tell you that. Just like you have a certain type of person, you also have a certain type of leisure activity. Your money pays for that leisure activity, so it’s under my influence.


John: Fascinating!


Venus: And why do we like power tools or gadgets or kittens? That’s another part of the equation for me, and it’s about value. I will tell you what you value. What you buy, believe it or not, is an extension of your values. If you like and value something, you spend your time and money on it.


John: That makes it a lot clearer, thank you. Are there any other basic concepts you want to highlight before we dive into the details?


Venus: Just one more, if I could. Attraction is another area that I dominate. And I’m not just talking about physical attraction, though that is part of it. Tell me…why do you make sure your resume looks fantastic when you submit it to a potential employer?


John: Because if it looks good, it…attracts the employer?


Venus: YES! And a big part of my job is bringing people together. I love linking people up, whether it’s at work, at home, on the dance floor, or for a spa day! Our relationships are the best part of our lives—our friends, our co-workers, and our romantic partners.


John: Certainly. [consults iPad] Let’s go back to the resume example. Would you admit that a resume enhances my look for a potential employer and improves the chances of us having a working relationship?


Venus: That’s exactly it! You are an extension of that piece of paper, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. People will sometimes get a job purely based on it. Now, when we talk about actually performing said job? Well that’s not my area. In fact…well, maybe I’d best not say that.

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