Thursday, May 14, 2020

Interview with Venus, Part 4

Venus: Maybe we could move on to something more fun?


John: Soon, Venus. But we have one more unpleasant topic to address first.


Venus: I hope it doesn’t take long.


John: Tell me how you feel about beauty.


Venus: [beams] How is that unpleasant? I love it. I’m the planet that tells someone how they define beauty. There are so many beautiful things in the world and I love all of them.


John: So, it would be fair to say that you like beautiful people more than ugly ones?


Venus: [shocked] Why would you say that?


John: [Scorpio stare] That’s not an answer, Venus.


Venus: [playing with her hair] What? You don’t think I’m gorgeous?


John: [chuckles] Everyone knows you’re gorgeous. But I still want an answer.


Venus: Hmmm. Mercury told me that wouldn’t work. Perhaps I could sing you a song? I have a wonderful voice, as do many people who have a strong influence from me in their charts.


John: Not right now, thank you. You have answered my question without answering it.


Venus: I am NOT going to say that I don’t like ugly people! That would be mean!


John: [easygoing] You don’t have to now. We can move on.  


Venus: [crosses arms] I think you had made up your mind about that before you came in here. I don’t know that I like where this interview is going; it’s going to make me sad!


John: I’ll edit it for content, Venus. I will present you in the best possible light, I assure you.


Venus: [happy] I’m sure you will! [eyes narrowed] Wait a second. That could easily have been a polite lie.


John: Does it matter if it gives you the confidence to continue talking to me in a candid way? [slightly suppressed smirk]


Venus: OK, now that is really, really rude! People who are ugly are…


John: Yes?


Venus: Well, they’re obviously not as…good…as those who take good care of themselves, wear nice clothes, and have a great skin care regimen.


John: [puts down iPad] Do you even realize what you are saying?


Venus: That’s how I think. I can’t do much about that. Beauty makes everything better. Do people deliberately leave their homes a mess when they’re having company? No, of course not! Your home shines because you want to make people feel welcome.


John: Using that logic, if someone’s yard isn’t perfectly manicured, or if the rugs are not vacuumed, then the people inside are not worth visiting?


Venus: There’s no way I would ever say such a thing!


John: That’s the natural extension of your thought process. I’m just making the leap.


Venus: [mouth open] You are one tough cookie!


John: [holds out a box of chocolate chip cookies] Did someone say cookie?


Venus: [eyes light up] Awwww…that’s so kind of you. Thank you! [munches cookie]. So where were we again?


John: That you have a tendency to focus on the outer beauty rather than the inner beauty. If it looks good, in your world it IS good. Is that a fair statement?


Venus: I was hoping for a nicer way to say it, but I guess that’s better than…well, what you were saying about non-beautiful people. [pauses] Could I have another cookie?


John: Absolutely, Venus. Please help yourself.

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