Monday, May 11, 2020

Interview with Venus, Part 1

John: Ladies and gentlemen, today I’m so thrilled to have Venus with me to talk about her incredibly important role in the astrological planets. [to Venus] Thanks so much for taking the time to join me! I know you have a lot on your plate right now, with your upcoming retrograde.


Venus: It’s such a pleasure to be here, John. It truly is! [looks around] This is such a nice environment you’ve set up for me, too. Very kind of you. This leather chair is lovely!


John: Well, my main concern was that you feel welcomed and comfortable. [pauses to look at notes] So, tell me…how does it feel to be the astrological planet people know the most about? Generally speaking, people do have an idea of what you do.


Venus: I’m so glad you asked! I love that people know me. It warms my heart so much.


John: And it’s safe to say that you’re the planet people love the most, too. Has that also been your experience?


Venus: Absolutely! I’m blessed because so many people look forward to me and the experiences I bring. And that actually brings me to a particular point, before I forget.


John: Certainly, Venus. The floor is yours.


Venus: Thank you. I need to tell people who sorry I am for everything that’s going on in the world right now. There has been so much hardship!


John: That’s very kind of you to say.


Venus: One of my most basic jobs is to show people what they want, and some people call me “the pleasure center of the Zodiac.” Right now, with most of the world closed due to this terrible virus, a lot of people are unable to do the things that give them pleasure, whether it’s a pleasant night out at a restaurant or club, vacation at their favorite spot, attend a conference they were really looking forward to, or any of a thousand other activities.

John: You’re right. Most people have been forced to give up a lot of things, and people have had to find their fun in different ways.


Venus: I will say that people are becoming very creative about what to do stuck at home, and that’s another area that I’m known for. But I really do feel for everyone. Disappointment is not something I do well with. And don’t think I didn’t see that you had to cancel your 25th anniversary trip to Paris, either. I’m really sorry about that!


John: It’s OK, Venus. There are people making far greater sacrifices than I am, but I appreciate the sentiment.


Venus: What I’m really happy about is that people are showing their gratitude for the people and things that they normally take for granted. I love the inclusion of everyone! No one should feel like an outsider or “less than” anyone else. Ever! That’s the worst feeling in the world!


John: I totally agree.

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