Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Astrology by Tara's Blue Full Supermoon Eclipse Forecast, Part 1

Today's Tarot Tuesday blog will appear next Tuesday, as we have an important eclipse to discuss!

Lunar Blue Moon Eclipse
January 31, 2018
Washington DC
Start Time: 0551 hours /Zenith: 0829 hours

On Wednesday, January 31, 2018, the world will experience its first lunar eclipse of 2018 and it will be very special in several ways. First off, it’s considered a blue moon, a second full Moon occurring within one calendar month. This full blue Moon is also a super Moon due to the Moon’s orbit passing closer to the earth, which is called perigee. Perigee moons, or supermoons, are considerably larger and brighter due to the Moon’s proximity to planet Earth.

The lunar nodes are aligned so that when the Earth passes between the Sun and Moon the Earth’s shadow will be cast on the surface of the Moon. Each of the three special occurrences is considerable on their own. It’s been about 150 years since the triplicate of these three sky events occurred simultaneously.

This eclipse will carry the echoes of the eclipses from August 2017. The nodes of the Moon are across the Leo / Aquarius axis and are within one degree of where the Sun and Moon were at the time of the August 2017 Lunar eclipse. In August, the Sun was in Leo and the Moon was in Aquarius, but now the planets have switched signs. The Sun is now in Aquarius, and the moon is in Leo

Full Moons are points of energetic release. The August Lunar eclipse closed the eclipse cycle of 6 February 2017, and this lunar eclipse will act as the energetic release point of the Great American Solar Eclipse of 2017. It’s not surprising that many people have felt this coming eclipse as the energy builds just prior to its release on the full Moon. This is probably why many of you have been feeling off.

Lunar eclipses release energy, but they also focus our attention to what we conceal within ourselves (our shadow self), which is represented by the Sun’s light (the self) the Earth’s shadow covering the Moon.

Here on earth, living things feel the energy of eclipses. Often times the proximity of time around eclipses usher in natural disturbances in reaction to the buildup of solar and lunar energy and the pull between the luminaries. Volcanic reactions, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, and floods are common now.

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