Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Tarot Tuesday: Do My Tarot Cards Dislike Me?

Yes, I know. You're reading the title and thinking, "Wait...what? How can an inanimate object dislike someone?"

This is an interesting phenomenon I've seen with tarot practitioners. From time to time I'll hear one of them say, "Oh I've tried the [insert deck here] and it really doesn't like me so I stopped using it."

This is patently ridiculous. The cards are a tool, and they're used to connect with the intuitive self. They have no opinion about the reader.

The reason I find it sad and funny is that it could be the reader's way of trying to blame the deck for what could be their own intuitive shortcomings. For the most part, however, I think it's an overly dramatic way of saying the following simple statement: "I didn't connect with the images on that particular deck."

Not connecting with a deck is normal. Some images you're going to prefer, and others you won't. For example, I have a Thoth deck, but I don't use it much because I don't really connect with the imagery. That's my personal preference, but I don't think the Thoth deck is somehow upset with me. 

The cards are a tool. In the hands of an intuitive person who connects with them, they help interpret intuitive messages. But they don't dislike you! 

You'll just have to trust me on this one, folks.

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