Monday, January 15, 2018

Intuitive Development, Part 3: Clairsentience

Do you walk into a room and know something's wrong? Do you feel energy vibrations and pick up something that happened recently? Or can you sense spirits when they're around?

All of these qualities are really clairsentience, and of all of the types of intuition that there are, this is the most common one. Many people overlook it because they may not even understand that they have it. 

While tuning into your intuitive gifts may seem challenging, clairsentience is where many of us begin. 

The different forms of intuition are not exclusive, by the way. We can have some or all of them. But many people are clairsentient and it's not a gift to be ignored or downplayed. It can be downright powerful. 

You can pick up energy like a sponge, soaking in whatever is around you. So you may not always understand what moods are yours. If you have Pisces Sun, Moon, or Rising, you may find that you have at least some of this gift naturally. 

To hone in on it, start taking stock of what a person, place, or animal feels like. If you were happy and you walk into a room and are suddenly angry, why? It may be that you hit a pocket of rage or negativity left by others before you. 

This is also a great skill for first impressions. Jen has a feeling she calls "the ick", and it's a form of clairsentience. When she feels it, it means "Watch out!" It's saved us from bad people and quite a number of car accidents. 

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