Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Intuitive Development, Part 1: Four Tips to Begin

So a lot of folks have been asking me about how to develop their intuitive skills. This often happens in the context of tarot readings, but when people hear about what I do they want to know how they can help themselves tune into their own intuitive selves. It sounds complicated, but it’s really not difficult to start helping yourself. 

1) Believe in your ability 

Lots of folks think they know what’s going to happen. And likely you do! But you doubt yourself. You start to say things like “I’m sure I’m wrong,” or “I never listen to my intuition!” Stop the negative talk in your own head surrounding your gifts. 

2) Don’t let being wrong sway you 

If you’re waiting to know everything that’s going to happen with absolute accuracy, I’m sorry to say that you’re going to be waiting a long time. But if you start listening to those whispers, you’ll be surprised at what you hear and how often you are correct. 

3) Practice and patience go hand in hand

Like any other skill, intuitive development takes time and practice. Patience is vital as you move through the process, and the more time you devote to honing the skill the better it will be. Know, however, that you won't always see the progress you're making right away. 

4) Celebrate and honor small wins

The universe doesn't give big pronouncements like you see in many movies about intuitive gifts. It starts with small things, like knowing that you were going to bump into your boss at the same place less than a minute later going through the same door, only this time on opposite sides. Having it happen was annoying, but I was thrilled that I knew it was going to happen!

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